Chapter 10 The Test

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Chapter 10

When I woke up, I was in a golden room with two other people. When they saw I was awake, their faces morphed into the face of a drcÿ. I was afraid. Then 4 pairs of wings unfurled, and I was flying 300 feet (91.44 m) above their heads in the blink of an eye. When they looked up, I saw blood-lust in their eyes. Then the shards around my wrists started glowing. So I pointed them at the beasts and out came beams of light. Then the shards deployed and started circling the beasts, keeping them at bay. When I landed, the beasts looked morbid. But they were quiet. Then I commanded the shards to absorb, and that's just what they did. They instantly latched onto their souls and pulled their souls were sucked right out of their bodies. When the shards returned, they gave the soul's energy to me along with all their abilities. Then a light flashed. At that point, I was angry. So I took control of the light and absorbed it, feeding my aura. Then I heard a voice. It sounded like a female voice, "you have passed your first test of the 2 you will endure."

When I woke up, there were people sitting there. When they saw I was awake, they said. "Hello, we're here to test your mental strength." Then they started chanting, and I saw the world blurring. When it stopped, the people were there with swords. Then I remembered what they said and started putting up mental walls. When I opened my eyes, I was back in the room and the two people were back in heaps on the floor. When they came back they said, "You pass. With flying colors." Then they disappeared, and I blacked out again.


When I came back to consciousness, I was on the podium. The whole population was there. Then Mr. Grôôrt said. "Well, you see the success of the Queen? It's been less than one god hour, she's completed tests that have taken our strongest 2 god days! She is obviously the strongest." Then the entire population applauded. But some of them looked angry. Then Mr. Grôôrt said, "now she will learn to harness her power. Then she will go to prove herself. In the test of rights." all cheered. "But, if she succeeds she will be the new ruler of Dôrrin!" That got them riled up, They all looked afraid. Then some big guy said, "If she can beat me then she can prove herself, and we will all accept her if she does. But, if she doesn't she will never become the queen." said the big guy. At that, I snapped. The orbs behind my shoulders grew wings (not connected to my body.) and they started glowing, and more orbs with wings appeared. The wings were so crystalline they could be precioustones (a stone that is harder than the skin of infinity but prettier than all things. Perfect in all aspects.). Then the back two wings expanded around me creating a shield-like thing then the other two shot particles so small they were smaller than quarks that he couldn't see them but when they hit him they exploded with enough force to create an explosion 10x the strength of the big bang. When he didn't get up, all the people were frozen. When they helped him up he had a hole, the size of a Planck length in him but it went all the way through his body. When they healed him he was in shock and part of his face was lopsided for a while. Then he spoke. "Well, that felt like a sringjôñä how did those wings appear?". "Well, whenever I evolve new features automatically appear according to my situation.". "Oh, well I guess you won well then. I propose to be your teacher until you can wield your abilities and your nôh and your strange combination of the two along with your fighting skills." "Sure"

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