Chapter 9 New World

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When Archrie wakes up she remembers nothing, and she feels a pulling in her arms when she looks at her arm. There's a strange-looking thing on both hands they look like hands, but they're different, and they have orbs just floating around them. Also, around her wrists, there are shards just floating in circles around them, and they respond to her will, and she can change their shape. Then when she tried to get up an invisible super hard wall restrained her but when she reached up to touch it, it shattered like it was a piece of the softest thing on earth, then alarms went off and guards came in. They looked at her strangely, and she looked down at her skin and all over her body that was exposed. She had armor type scales on her skin. Then they looked spaced out like they're looking into space. Then they say, "Come with us, this will decide your fate." When they try to touch her, the spikes on her wrists react. They instantly turn into beasts that attack her captors. When they finally tame the beasts, they return into shards. Then they escorted her to the head of the building.

When we got there, I saw a person standing. He looks like a kind person. Then he sees me and says, "Hello, I am the head of this trghea and you're my patient." He said kindly, "You are my newest and most successful patient so don't become confused on me." He said, "Oh, excuse me for my ignorance! My name is Grôôrt. And you're on Dôji primôs. The evolved galaxy. Your old name was Archrie. But since you evolved your new name is ärôñaïê. Ooh, here on your report it says you're bonded with the Queen. This has never been seen before, so we're going to put you through a series of tests."

When we got to the testing chamber, there was a pod they told me to stand inside. Then they told me to relax. When I did, the looks on their faces changed. Then they said I could come out. I touched the cover, and it shattered, and I walked out. Mr. Grôôrt looked awed with the results and even more awed when he saw the pod. Then he said, "How did you break that? That thing is 99.99% unbreakable" and I said, "I just touched it." Then he looked appalled, and he looked like he understood. "Oh, I get it when you want to do something, your strength exponentially increases." Then he said, "Let's go, it's time to introduce you to the public."


When I got on stage, she saw a crowd of hovering people. Then Mr.Grôôrt said, "Hello, citizens of Dôrrin, we have a new among us. She is bonded with you may not believe this, but she is bonded with the Queen." That got a lot of reactions from the population. They were in shock, and Mr.Grôôrt continued, "She will be joining our ranks as a prized citizen when she completes training." Then the world went dark.

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