Chapter 19 End of All Suspicion

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 "All troops we are nearing the drop zone get ready to rele... aggh" the troops were all confused, so they looked ahead and in front of them hundreds of troops were being killed all at once so all the troops spread out yet the line of death was getting closer, so they went up. Then all the deaths stopped. One troop got it into his mind to slice downward when they heard a clang they looked at him. At that moment they noticed the markings spreading over his blade and onto his skin tan he started trying to let go. It looked as though he was in inexplicable pain. Then he died.  "All troops do not drop below dis altitude, there is a curse below us watch out." Then they kept flying.



  "Oh, they found out oh well. Time to let the pack loose." I let go of the Draghoenix and allowed them to grow to full size. Then they prowled around me, "Let's go." Then I launched myself, and they followed me.



 "There is a fast-moving object up ahead, it has the same energy signature as the one we're here to destroy, get ready for contact." Then the energy signature was right on me, so I looked up and on top of my altitude was a girl with draghoenix flying around her. But something about her was familiar. For a millisecond I froze, then I remembered my mission and pulled out my blade, then I swung. She wasn't expecting it, so I hit her head-on. But when I retracted my blade, there wasn't even a knick. Then her eyes started glowing. I wiped my eyes but then her eyes flamed and the fire was streaming out of her eyes white-hot and into her markings, then before I knew it filled her markings with arcwrath then it swarmed toward me.

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