Chapter 44 Witika

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So we walked for such a long time I started to feel hungry so my Nephililerahvereast started to come out and stalk around, "Ok don't worry, we're coming up on a group of raiders you can eat and drink from them." That made my Nephililerahvus come out, and she was beautiful. So I came back into control, and put her at bay. Then the people jumped out, "Give us all your belongings and you'll get out without harm." said the biggest one, "Well I'm not going to." said the Witika girl, "Well then we'll beat it out of you, we're werebeasts. So you're not going to survive." Then my hunger got the best of me, and I was gone, "wait where did that girl go?" Then when he turned around all he saw was me biting one of his men's neck's, "s-she's a Nephililerahvus!" Then I turned into my wolf, and mauled another, "She's a werebeast also," Then I summoned the earth fire air and water, and sent them at the next one, "She's a Witika also!" Then I used all the form's, and my eyes turned a rainbow with all colors, "S-she's a hybrid run." Then I used all the power I had, "She's the infibrid, everyone's looking for, run now!" Then I said, "Aww, but I'm still hungry." He transformed into a wolf, and jumped at me, " If I mark you, I'll get a portion of your power." He tried to bite me, and I shoved him off me so hard he flew at over 999 Milli-Millillion glmph. That's fast enough that my skin would have cracked. As for him, he disintegrated as soon as I touched him. So I got up, and the witika girl looked at me questioningly, "What? I don't want to be marked ok? I haven't found my true mate yet. So I won't get marked until he does it himself." I huffed, "Ok but don't say I didn't warn you." Then we started walking again.


When we got to the gate, she reached out to touch it, and it opened, "Well come on we don't want to be here all day!" She squealed and ran through. So I took a step in, and some guard's came up to me, "Who are you and why did you have the empress?" I answered their question and they let me in. Just like that. When I got to the center of the town, everyone bowed down, "Behold The Queen goddess Empress of all the races!" Then I said, "Get up all of you, I mean come on, I don't want this but still please call me Opreas." Then they said, "beloved opreas" I said, "No no beloved or anything just Opreas." Then they said, "Opreas" So I kept walking and I found the empress, "Why did you just run off like that?"  Then she started laughing, "Well I just wanted to see what they would do. But anyway, it's time for you to get your witika power's." Then I felt a huge pain in my stomach, so I collapsed onto one knee. When It stops I touch my stomach and it's tender, so I unlatch a button on my dress and on my stomach is a bruise, "hey what gives?" I ask the empress, "I told you you would regret it. Your true 'mate' is with another person." That made my heart break a little, "what? How? Why?" I asked, "Well first off you didn't find him yet, so he needs it, or he would have become depressed." So I said, "So how do I find him", "Well I could teach you the chant or you could use maroer" So she taught me the chant, " firigir I call on you to find my other half the key to my soul, the power I deserve." then I exploded, so I used the maroer and I got to the world he was in faster than I would have had with just the chant. So I tried teleporting to him. When I did, I realized I could only get close not directly to him. So I started sending him signals through the link then I saw him sitting on a fountain talking to another girl. My anger flared. He must have felt it because he turned around, "Hello Opreas how are you?" He said. When I exploded with anger I rushed him and I moved so fast he could barely react when he grabbed me in an embrace, I started to cry, "Why for her you left me for her?" Then he understood, "Oh no this is my sister." I looked up at her, and she was smiling sheepishly, but I saw a resemblance, "Sorry I didn't see your face," She said, "It's ok it happens." So I said, "So you're my mate? But you don't have such a high power level, It's literally super low." Then he started laughing, "Well I can conceal can't I" Then he grew his horn's wings halocrowns and stuff. When I checked his power level again it was equal to mine, then our power became visible and it started to mix, I said,  "well you have one half of all power," He said, "and I have the other half" together we said, "So If we mate our child will have all of it, and we will have all of it?!" Then his sister said, "You guys think too alike for me" So she teleported away. So he said, "Well I guess it's time." He got down on one knee and said, "Will you be my mate?" I started blushing, "Yes!" I gushed, and all the people that surrounded us said, "She said yes!" He marked me. Just like that I felt a whole new bond between us, a bond that mixed our power and the bond that mixed our hearts.

Well guys that's it for now sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger for this chapter, but I have to wait, I'll post next Monday hopefully. It's Friday and I can only update on week days so see you later 😁😁.

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