Chapter 13 A New Beginning

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When I felt the balance restored, it confused me. I knew what happened. "So nemesis you have arrived. Ha, you will die at your current level." said the Tracherea, "Hello? Who is this? How did you do that, and who is nemesis?" said a girl. "Who are you that you can tap into the celestial plane without meditating?" Tracherea said. Then he put the two things together. "Ah, so you are the avatar. Well, I can't take any chances. So I'll make a deal with you. If you come to me willingly I will spare the people of this world." "What will you do with me?" asked the girl. "Well, I'll kill you. I can't let nemesis get a body and regain her strength so I must kill you." "Well, someone is genocidal. So here's my answer no. I don't even know this nemesis person. Also, I don't want to die, plus I am the queen, so I can't really get killed." Then a new voice joined the conversation. "Well, Tracherea, you sure have gotten childish while I was asleep. You thought I was destroyed you thought wrong. I have gotten more powerful than ever. Look at my power level again, you insolent, overgrown, fireball, and for the last time, yo soy no nemesis. Mi llama es Ángelus si te importa. So if you don't mind, you won't be harming anyone and I will bond and not waste away like you. She is my body so you won't be touching her." "Well, Ángelus, I will not let you get a body. Not after you did to me. We shall not let you off the hook everyone will be harmed until I kill you and that girl. Before the end of time. Mark my words." "Well, tracherea you know what those words can do when spoken from this girl's mouth so don't say that." "Hey, I am still here! And why am I so important? FYI I am my own person. Not a thing. Also, my word is not that important, right?" then tracherea said, "Yes it is because you are the queen you must wield it like the sword." "Well, then I will say, you must leave me alone unless I say otherwise. Ok? Ok. Goodbye." Then her presence was gone. "Well Ángelus we have a problem if she goes rogue, the destruction in her path will put us back in the age of Scythe Lucifer and his cloak of righteousness. Even though he destroyed the bad, he also ended the scythe race. But we have to obey, well you have to, I don't. I am no longer bound." "Oh Tracherea, you really understand nothing, she is me, and therefore I don't have to listen to her either now try you're worst. But the sad part is, she doesn't know what she is."

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