Chapter 4

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We have spent 8 and a half hours driving here and Gilinsky is really nervous. He thinks he will be a bad father. When we got there we saw other couples that were nervous too. After about 10 minutes of waiting, some lady introduced herself to us and explained how we will meet the girls and what we should ask them. She seemed really fake and annoying to me.
I just hope we find a good daughter.
I am really nervous about being a father. I just want to make a girl happy and give her a well deserved home. We all went to a little room and sat down at a desk with four chairs on one side and one chair on the other side. I assumed it is for the girl. We waited for a little while before girls started coming in. I asked them simple questions. The boys were letting me ask because she will be my daughter. I was starting to get bored. A girl just left. As soon as she left, another girl came in. "Hi my name is Jack, what's your name? "Bekka" she said really quiet and it was cute. I asked her a bunch of questions and then she left. "Guys, I think I want her for my daughter." I said to them. They looked at me and then Nash said "Are you sure man, I mean she sounded kinda fake when she was talking." Sammy and Johnson agreed with them. "Nahhh I don't think so man, I think I want her." I fought back with. They dropped it after the door quietly open and the next girl came in. I remember her name was Brook. The headmistress "warned" us about her. She said she was a trouble maker and a bad girl. She was not very intimidating other than the fact that she was extremely tall. But she looked too innocent to do anything bad. She has long blonde hair with piercing blue eyes like Nash and had really long eyelashes too. She started talking and said "Hi"Johnson said it back to her as we kept talking. She was easier to talk to than that Bekka girl. And now that Nash said it, she did seem kinda fake at the time. Brook had to leave because the time was up. "Hey guys, I like her the best. Do you guys agree? I stated while I got up to stretch. " Yeah she was the easiest to talk to by far. Nash said and Johnson said " Heck yeah she was hilarious!" Sammy just agreed with them. We left the little room and went to find the auditorium empty except for that really annoying lady. "Did you all chose a girl?" She said with a really annoying and perky voice. We all said yes and went to fill out papers and get our girl's file. When we picked up Brook's, that lady looked at us like we were crazy. "Why are you looking at us like that?" Johnson asked. "Because nobody ever wants Brook." she says matter-of-factly. "Well we do." Sammy says back to her. "Well okay then I will call her down then." She says still clearly shocked that we want Brook.

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