Chapter 27

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I am going shopping with Quinn to get stuff for the boys for Chrismas really soon. I am getting Quinn and the Jacks something really cool. I walk downstairs and start making breakfast. I am making toast and eggs when Shawn comes in and starts helping. So when Matt comes in, I am making eggs and the toast while Shawn in making fruit salad. We need to go grocery shopping really bad. Usually Nash and Cameron do it but they are being lazy and refusing to. So while I am getting presents, the rest of the boys will be getting food. Soon the entire house is awake and we are all setting the table. Taylor and Hailey are still asleep. No wonder they are related. After the food is done they both come down screaming "WE SMELL FOOD". Hailey is sliding down the rail of the stairs and Taylor is running down. They come and sit down at the table. We all start eating and planning the day. We are going to just finish decorating. That should take all day with this huge house. We all nod in agreement and start opening more boxes. They have a bunch of really cool Christmas stuff. I pull out the box of kitchen decorations and start in that room. I put all the fancy bowls on the table and the Christmas silverware in the drawer that we keep it in. I put up the elf on the shelf because Jack Johnson brought it from his house. I move to the den and get the box for that room. Hayes is helping me with this room since it is the biggest room in the house. We are both almost done when Taylor says we are going out for lunch. We have been working all day. We all get in 2 cars and drive to Tgif. We get there and they have to set up a bunch if tables for us. It took a while but I feel bad for them. Having to do that for a bunch of teens. We all sit down and order our food. It comes and we all settle down and eat. After we finish we go home and continue decorating. Hayes and I finish the den and start on the guest rooms. They all have different themes. One is Nutcracker. Another is winter. And the last one is all white and black. The rest are being used. It is pretty late when we all finish. The house looks amazing on the inside. Nash and Cameron and Hailey worked on all the hallways and they look amazing. We are all to tired to cook so we just order pizza, eat, and go to bed.

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