Chapter 18

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HAYES' pov
I walk out of the cab and pay him. I walk up the driveway and knock on the door. It opens and I see a Brook covered in white and fluffy stuff. They must be having another smack cam war. This is like a daily thing for them. I hug her and kiss her cheek. I walk past her to go say hi to the rest if the guys. I walk into the family room and see everybody covered in some type of gooey liquid. It has never gotten this bad. They must have had a tie. Every time there is a tie, they split into teams and see who's
Whole team gets smacked at least once. It is pretty funny how serious they get. Taylor or Quinn usually start in but Brook ends up winning. She is really quiet and smooth. I look back at het and she just hands me a bottle of hair conditioner. Smart. I sneak up behind Quinn and smack her and run to Nash and do it to him to. Brook high fives me and we team up. She goes on one side of JJ and I go on the other. We both smack him and run off. It was hilarious. We ended up in first and second place with Quinn in third. We all get 10 bucks from each player. That is part of the "fee" for playing. You have to give 1st 2nd and 3rd place ten dollars. That is why Brook is in the lead. She likes money. We all go to our rooms to wash up and get ready for the day.
I gather up my 120$. We had 12 people playing and I got a 10 from each. I win a lot. I put it into the savings box that I keep. It is a hollowed out book. I keep it for emergencies or if I need a big purchase. I want to buy a real camera. I love photography and the concentration of it. I get up and pick out my outfit and take a shower. I am taking the boys to a photography show today. They have never been to one so why not? I am excited. They could either hate this or love it. Then after that, we are getting something to eat and going home. I walk down and ask Quinn about my outfit. She says it is good and I grab a water. She permanently moved here yesterday. I see the boys come downstairs ready to leave. We are still waiting on Matt. He comes down and we leave. We are going to get Shoney's for breakfast. We all get in Taylor's car since it is biggest that we have and go for breakfast. We get there and a waiter shows us to a large table. We all get the buffet and get up for our food. We all sit back down and eat. It is the first meal we have had without getting smacked in 3 weeks. We don't really know what to do with ourselves. Hm odd. We all finish our food and head out to the show. It is all black and white. The pictures were so pretty. We all look at the pictures. I end up explaining the point of a lot of pictures to Matt and Aaron and Shawn. My phone dings and I see about 13 notifications. They all posted vines of me explaining and being all serious while they are making faces at me behind my back. Of course. I knew they weren't paying attention. We leave very soon after Nash and Cameron knocked over a vase if flowers on display. We all go out to get dinner and go to TGIF. We all get our burgers and eat and leave. We get home and watch Grown ups 2. It ends and I go and take a shower and go to bed because it is like midnight. We didn't leave the restraunt. We kinda got kicked out because we were "disturbing" other people because we were loud. I go to sleep wondering about what we were doing tomorrow.

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