Chapter 31

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I am pulling in to Taylor's street right now. I am surprising Nash and the other rest of the them. Taylor said Nash was acting really strange. And he said that Nash wanted to see me and talk to me more. Plus, Taylor said that the house across from the one they live in is empty and a perfect size. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, and a family room and kitchen. It will be a little big but it'll work. I am gonna have the biggest room and set up an office in the other. I will still keep a guest room. I park my car a block away and wait for Taylor text to tell me that nobody is in the house. No one can see me moving the boxes in. I hear a "Ding" and look down at my phone,
From: Taylor
Okay we are leaving now. Wait a coupe minutes for us to get out of sight.
To: Taylor
Okay how long do I have?
From: Taylor
Pretty much all day. Text me when u r almost done.
To: Taylor
Okay I will. Thx older-by-1-month cousin😜
From: Taylor
No Abbey, just, no

I laugh at his response and wait for their car to pass. I see them and Taylor gives my "the look" so I start my car. I get to the house and look for the new keys. I get them out of my purse and open the door. I crack the door open and go back to my car. I open the back and start loading boxes inside. I finish loading the boxes in a little while. I only brought all my clothes and personal things because I am totally redecorating the entire house. My old apartment was really boring so Taylor told me to just live here with them. I like it here. Taylor's family always took me here with them. Taylor and I would play so many tricks on random people. We were really close as kids. Then when he started getting noticed, we kinda just stopped meeting in person. He didn't want me to get hate. We did text and facetime a lot though. I decide that since it is pretty late I will just unpack tomorrow. I have to surprise Nash at like 4:30 so I will just go and buy furniture after the basketball game and unpack before.

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