Chapter 54

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I wake up and my eyes are still the same color as yesterday. So I guess I am sadder then I am letting on. Hayes knows what this color is so I will just have to put in contacts. Last year, Cameron get me contacts for exactly this reason. Nobody know I have them because I have only used them once. Cameron obviously knows but I always tell him when I am using them. They are bright blue. He knows that means rebellious and we agreed on it because Nash, Cameron, Taylor and I always prank people when they are this color. I look at them and smile. They look natural. I walk down the hall on the bus and Taylor is up. "Prank day?" He asks with hopeful eyes. I nod slowly and smile. Sure it's a fake smile and doesn't mean anything but he is happy. And Shawn says that if you are sad the you should out on a smile and it will make you happy. It works. I am not sad anymore. Nash and Cameron come into the main part of the bus and Taylor screams "PRANK DAY" as loud as he can. We are getting Shannon today too so that should be fun. Sammy runs in smiling. "Hey when are we going to see Shannon?" I ask him. "Right now." He says smiling and looking at his phone. He is skyping her. "Hey Shannon!" I say. She has brown hair, blue eyes with a tint if grey, and looks really tall. Sammy says she is really shy until you get to know her. Then she is like us. I am really excited to meet her because Sammy says she is like me. She waves back at me and the guys. They all say "hey" and Sammy turns her back around to him. "When are we gonna see her?" He asks the bus driver. "About 10 minutes." He says. Sammy nods and turns back to us.

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