Chapter 10

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HAYES' pov
I walked away to my room. She just stood there. I walked into my room and saw Gilinsky. He walked towards me and said "I know you like her." I decide to play dumb. "Like who" I say. "Brook. It is obvious. I'm okay if you date her but must I remind you, she is still young. Do not hurt her." He retorts. I like her but I don't know i she likes me. I think she will probably like somebody her age.
I walk to the kitchen and get a water and apple. Painting is easy but tiring. My walls are finished and need one more coat of paint. Then we will move all the furniture in. I have a walk-in closet. I have the only room with a big one because "I as a girl need my clothes space." Dad said that but Sammy said he just finds it fun to spoil me. They bought me a ridicules amount of really nice clothing. They said I can pick my own jewelry with Dad. I really don't want him to spend a lot of money on me but he says that he is "loaded with cash" and doesn't want me to worry. I washed my apple and put some mio in my water and ran into the family room. We have a dining table in there so I sat there and played on my iPod. I put on the 2virgins album that Taylor and Dillon made me buy. I put in my headphones and start Buck wild. I sing along ad eat my apple. Then when I take my headphones out, I hear Taylor screaming "OH MY GOD GILINSKY YOUR DAUGHTER IS PERFECT!!SHE IS LISTENING TO MY SONGS!! DILLON COME HERE!!" Oh my god he is so frieking dumb. "Taylor shut up." I simply say back and throw away my apple core. "And why should I do that?" He says and gets in my face. "Well you should do that because my old best friend taught me how to box." I say and get closer to his face. "OH JACK YOUR DAUGHTER IS GONNA KILL ME!!" He runs off screaming. God he is gullible I can't even punch that well. I start laughing to myself and then I fell my self being picked up and thrown across a pair of shoulders. I look behind me and see a yellow bandana. Taylor. "TAYLOR CANIFF PUT ME DOWN!" I say laughing. Then I see him run towards the pool. Oh no. Then I am submerged in cold liquid. We have a fairly big pool so I start sprint swimming from Taylor. He jumped in with me. I never told them that I have been competitively since I was 2. Woops? I eventually stop and wait for him to catch up. I was standing there and he came up to me panting. "How did you do that?!" He asks after he catches his breath. "Competitive swimming for 11 years." I just shrug and start picking at my nails. We get out and I take a shower. I have sweat pants and a
T-shirt on. They are really comfy to sleep in. I went down stairs and Dad looked at me and said "we are watching a kivie downstairs." "Oh my god really?!" I say. I run downstairs and sit on the couch. I go downstairs and he looks at me then back at the screen. We go into the kitchen and see Sammy attempting to make food. It is on fire. We put the fire out and I tell them to get out and let the master work. We keep fire extinguishers around because the guys can't cook for crap. I make steak and a really good salad with brownies for dessert. I had to cook for all the kids at the house so I am used to making big quantities if food. I set the table and call the monsters in. They look at me in awe. "I have been cooking since I was 10 so eat up." I say and they all sit down and dig in. They look at me and say that the food is really good and blah blah blah. They all finish their food and we go into the family room in the basement. It is like a rec room. Hayes said it was his turn to pick a movie. He picked The Unmarked Ones. He comes next to me and my eyes a ghastly white. Fear. I know this color all to well.
During the movie:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:

Something popped out at the screen and I jumped. Hayes automatically wrapped his arm around me like it was sime kind of reflex or something. I looked up at him and I saw my eyes in my reflection of his eyes. They were a pigmented shade of red again. It was just light enough that you could see the color. He started leaning in.
HAYES' pov
I looked into her eyes. They changed from gray to a beautiful red. She is sooooo amazing. I want to call her mine. But I can't yet. I stared at her and started leaning in. She did too. I closed my eyes. We
were inches when Gilinsky kicked my foot. I looked at him and he glared at me. I glared back at him and put my arm back around her. She snuggled into my chest and we just fit together. Sammy wants me to date her. He says that he doesn't want her with any other guy because the guys know I won't hurt her. That is the last thing I would do. Gilinsky is extremely protective of her. I think I love her. Who wouldn't? She has a perfect personality, she is gorgeous. has amazing eyes,and she is funny. She deserves somebody who will treat her like the princess that she is. She needs me.

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