Chapter 42

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I run upstairs and get dressed in something casual and I do my makeup and hair then leave the bathroom. I walk back downstairs and see the boys are ready. We all leave the house and get in Gilinsky's car. I stopped calling him "dad" because it was sort of disturbing considering he is only 6 years older than me. He starts driving and I stare out the window. I notice him pull into a place called iHop. I have never been there before. "Hey Brook, we're here." Sammy says lightly shaking me. I snap out of my daze and we go inside. "Hi follow me to your table." A waiter says. We follow him and sit down. He hands us our menus and we all order. I just get what Sammy gets because it looked good. He gives us our food and we eat. It was actually really good. "Okay so what do you want to do?" Gilinsky asks. "Um I don't really know." I say. "What do you guys want to do?" I ask them. "We should go to the mall and film vines!" Nash says and Johnson and Sammy agree. Gilinsky and I just nod. We start driving to the mall and we are there in like 2 minutes. "Okay ready to get kicked out of a mall?" Nash asks looking back at me. Wait what? Nobody said anything about getting kicked out. "What?" I ask him. "Yeah we usually get kicked out." He says like it's nothing. "Oh um okay." I say and get out. "Okay so we are gonna scream in public." Nash says. "I take it this isn't your first time?" I ask. He just smiles and pulls up the app. "Okay so since this is your first time, we are gonna let you be the one screaming." Nash says to me. I nod and he tells me what do to. "Okay one, two, three!" Gilinsky says and starts filming. "AHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream running in and out of stores. "Okay you cam come back now!" Nash yells. I walk back to them earning weird looks from people as I walk. "Your officially one of us!" He says and I am in front if them. I smile and laugh at the excited face they all have. We walk around the mall making vines and running from people. By the time we start getting bored of making vines, it is around 8:00 at night. "We should probably go home now." Johnson says. We all agree and start heading to the car. "Thanks for giving me a great day." I say truthfully. "Your welcome Brook." They all say together. We all look at each other and laugh. That is when I realize that everything is falling into place. It is all turning out good.

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