Chapter 37

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I watch as the three all smile and jump up and down. It makes me happy to see her happy. She is filled with joy right now. Her eyes are a vivid green. What did green mean?!! They don't even look human they are so intense. GRATITUDE!! Green means gratitude. I see it as she looks at me then back at her friends. I walk to them and see her eye are orange. I have only seen that once or twice but it was never this pigmented. It is beautiful. She looks at the mirror and just smiles. Whenever she is with Hayes, her eyes are either red or blue. The only other time her eyes were orange was when we all had smack cam wars. I will ask her about it in the car. "Well guys we need to get going." I say and they all peel apart and Brook gets in the car. I start driving and ask her "what does orange mean?" She looks at me and they are still orange and she is still smiling. "Happiness. They mean that I am happy or having fun." She answers. I nod and smile. She was happy. "Wait, aren't you always happy?" I ask. "Well yeah but my eyes take over the feeling that I'm feeling strongest." She says. I just nod and look back at the road. We get home and it is still pretty early so we are all watching movie. Hailey and Cameron are on the love seat, Shawn, Aaron, Taylor, Dillon, and Jacob are on the main couch, Sammy, Brook, and Jack and I are huddled up on the floor with Hayes, and Nash is on the other love seat with Abbey. Matt is sitting next to Quinn in the circle chair. I am kinda jealous because I wanted to sit next to her. We are all gonna watch The Purge. It was Taylor's night to pick the movie.
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Whenever a scary part would come on the screen, Quinn would jump and Matt would comfort her. Not me. I am supposed to that. Not him. I couldn't watch anymore so I just go up to my room, take a shower and go to sleep.

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