Chapter 51

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I wake up and start packing my suitcases. I forgot to and we are leaving in 3 hours. We are gonna be on a bus for 3 months so I packed a lot. If I run out if clothes, I will just mix and match. I pack 2 suitcases of clothes and 1 full if shoes and a duffle bag with toiletries. I also pack a carry on bag with stuff to do on the plane. I drag them outside and put them in a car. The manager of the tour sent cars so we could bring all the stuff we will need. I am going in the cars with the Jacks, Sammy, and then we will pick up Nate in this car too. Jake and Luke are riding with Nash and Hayes. I get in the car that is basically a limousine. I just play a game on my phone until we all are ready to leave. We all leave our house and the driver takes us to Nate's house. He is waiting in the driveway with all his stuff. He is leaning against his suitcase and texting with his phone. He doesn't look mean. The driver honks the horn and he looks up and puts his phone in his pocket. The driver unlocks the back. Nate grabs his luggage and puts it in the car then Jack opens the door. "Hey Nate I have somebody I want you to meet." Gilinsky says. "Who?" Nate asks. Gilinsky lightly pushes me towards Nate. Nate pulls me in for a hug. "It's nice to meet you." He says. I nod and he lets go. We all get back in the car and drive off into the airport. We get there and wait for all the guys. Soon they all get here and we all do the stuff you have to do in order to get onto the plane. I get on and immediately start freaking out. Gilinsky comes and sits down me. Then Hayes sits down to the other side of me. He grabs my hand and looks at me. I look up and him and he smiles at me. I smile and look past him to the window. We are taking off now.
&.&.&.&.&after the plane ride&.
We are waiting in the airport in L.A right now waiting for whoever is picking us up. The manager sent us another limo. We all see it and run to it. Nate just looks at us like we are insane. "Are you coming?" I ask him. "Oh alright." He says and grabs his luggage. We both rum to the limo and get in. He starts driving to the hotel and we all just talk about who gets which bunk on the bus. We get to where the meeting is being held and get out. The guys go to the meeting and Hayes and I go to Taco Bell. His choice. We order our food and then leave. We sit in the parking lot just talking and eating our food. Then everybody comes out of the building. "Wanna come see the bus and scope it out?" Sammy asks. We both nod and get up. The manager leads us to the parking lot in the back and we see it. It is HUGE! We all run in and pick a bed. I crawl into the top bunk that is all the way in the back. "I CALL THIS ONE!" I say and get out of it. All the boys are in a bed. But, there is any empty one. "Who has this bed?" I ask. "Oh that is Shannon's." Sammy says. "Who?" I ask. "Oh she is my girlfriend." Hs says. "Oh alright." I say and go to get my stuff. I see the limo is gone and all our stuff is already in the bus. Alright? I get back on the bus and it starts moving. It is tour time.

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