Chapter 24

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I am sitting in my room writing my report on the revolutionary war when Gilinsky comes in. I don't mind schoolwork when I can do it without being forced. It is easy for me. He puts his hand on my shoulder and tell me to sit down. I move to my bed and he explains how next week is gonna go. When he mentions a plane my eyes get wide. I absolutely hate planes. They are terrifying to me. I hate being anywhere that is high. It is just scary. "Don't worry. We are all pretty close to each other so it will be okay." he reassures me. "Okay thanks for everything." I say. "No problem." He says and smiles at me. We hug and he leaves and I get back to work. I am almost done when Hayes comes in with a bunch of movies and popcorn. He smiles at me and says "movie night?" I smile and we sit down on my bed. He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle up to him. He smiles and plays the movie. I look up at him and he looks down at me and smiles. He looks back at the screen and brings me closer to him. I smile to myself and look at the movie. We just happen to be watching the movie that I told Hayes it scares the crap out of me. No wonder he wants to watch Mama. I don't know why but that movie is just terrifying to me. We get to a really scary part and I sort of jump. He looks down at me and sees my white eyes that are full of fear. "What does white mean?" He asks just above a whisper. "Uhm it means fear." I say embarrassed because I am afraid of a stupid movie. He just smiles again and kisses my cheek. We are in the middle of the 7th movie of the night when I start getting tired. I put my head down amd fall asleep next to Hayes. He kisses my forehead and says "Goodnight Brook." And leaves without making a sound to prevent me from waking up.

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