Chapter 29

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I went Christmas shopping yesterday and get everybody something. I got Hayes a bunch of snapbacks. I got Taylor a set of bandanas that he wanted. I got Shawn a new acoustic guitar because he always helps me with things. I got Aaron a couple new phone cases. I got Nash a bunch of random props for vines. I got Cameron an iTunes gift card for 50$ because he wanted new music. I got Quinn earrings, nail polish, and some really cute pieces of clothing. But, I got Gilinsky a lot of stuff. I got him beanies, shirts, cologne, and a bunch of Vans. He was my big purchase. I got Johnson a big framed picture of the first single they let out. I got Matt a Taco Bell gift card. I got Hailey some shirts and nail polish. I got Sammy a couple of things. I also got Dillon some beanies. It was quite a lot of money but it's Christmas. We are all spending a lot. I but it all in the dresser that I don't use. I have one in my main room and one in my closet. I only use the one in my main room. I go downstairs and start putting the food away. We eat and the boys stay downstairs. Quinn and Hailey go to bed. I am staying down here to watch a movie with them. We are watching The Great Gatsby. It is quite good. I didn't want to finish it because I was really tired so I just went to bed.

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