Chapter 46

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The dinner went great. She liked it. We got home and she went to her room. I think I saw her smile to herself. I just woke up. I am usually one of the first to wake up. I walked downstairs and see Brook. Brook and Matt usually wake up first. After I see her, Matt comes out of the bathroom. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey" the both reply tiredly. "Is it raining?" I ask. They both nod. "So lazy day?" I ask again. They both nod and head to the family room. I go in after them and see Aaron asleep on the couch. He must've had a movie night. I think to my self. He opens his eyes and says "oh hey guys." We all say hi and a tired voice. "Raining?" He asks. "Yeah" we all say. "Oh okay" he says and fall back asleep. We all laugh at him and turn on the tv. we turn on TMZ and hear this. Vine stars Jack and Jack go on tour and shock the nation with the ep they came out with." Some guy off the show says. "Jack..." Brook and Matt say. "Yeah..." I say in shock. "Your on tv..." Brook says. "I know...WE'RE ON TV!" I say louder then before. We all jump up and start acting insane. The rest wake up and come down. "What the heck are you guys doing?" Johnson asks. "YOU'RE ON TV!!" Brook says. "NO WAY?!" He says. "YES WAY!" Matt answers with. "OH MY GOD!" Taylor says with us. Then we all start jumping around. I never thought that we would be where we are now. It is really amazing how all of us are "famous" because of an app. "Okay since it is raining, we are having a movie day." I say. Everybody grabs a spot somewhere in the room. When we were freaking out, Nash went and got Abbey so they are on the love seat. Brook and Hayes are next to each other. Cameron and Hailey are sitting on the floor with their backs against the couch. And I am sitting with Quinn on the couch and we are holding hands. I have liked her since freshman year. I always thought we would only be friends. I never thought she would actually like me. It is amazing how things work out. We are watching Catching Fire right now. It is actually really good. Quinn, Brook, and Hailey agreed that "we have to see it" but they just wanted an excuse to watch it again. We are still in the beginning. The part when she is hunting the turkeys.
:):):):):after da movie:):):):):):):):
The movies finishes and it is my turn to pick what we watch. I pick The Omen. Quinn and I always watch this movie together. She isn't afraid of anything. The only movie that she said was sick and twisted was the Purge. But, other than that, she just doesn't scare easily. The movie starts and you can tell none of them have seen it because they all scream when the nanny does that thing. But, not Quinn.
&@$&@$several movies later&
"Okay guys, I'm going to sleep." I say and get up. "Goodnight" I hear all of them mumble. I walk upstairs and see Shawn working on a song. He must have left in the middle of a movie. He has paper crumpled all around him and his guitar on his lap. He has a pen in his hand and a notepad in front of his legs. I walk past him and open my door. I go in, take a shower and change. I get in my bed and fall asleep scrolling through twitter.

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