Chaper 11

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I woke up and looked around. We were still in the rec room. I looked above me and saw a cheek. Then I looked behind me and saw an arm wrapped around me coming to my waist. Hayes had me in his grip. I tried to get up. He just held on tighter and pulled my closer to him. Eventually I gave in and laid back down onto the couch. I snuggled up into him. I started to feel my cheeks heat up and my eyes turn a color. From grey to dark. After I slept for about another hour, Hayes and I got up. He was helping me make breakfast. We go into the kitchen and he gets out eggs and I get out waffle mix. Hayes starts making the eggs and I start mixing batter then I had to move and put the batter into the waffle mold. Now we wait. The eggs are almost done and the waffles do not take a long time to make. They were finished soon and we both sat down across from each other. I grabbed two waffles and some eggs that Hayes made. They were actually extremely good. We both were eating in silence then he speaks up. "Can you tell me more about your beautiful and gorgeous eyes miss Brook Gilinsky?" He says in a proper accent. "Why yes I shall." I say in the same one. We both start laughing. "No really I am curious now." He says in a more serious voice. "Oh umm okay then. My eyes have always changed color with my emotions or feeling. Every time I wake up, they are a dull grey. I have had every eye color possible. Even a few impossible ones, like purple or red and like orange and stuff." I say. He just sits there listening and nodding. "They are weird but I guess I kinda like them." I add. He just says "Your so beautiful." and blushes. I say thanks and look at him in the eyes. He has beautiful eyes too. We finish talking and clean up. I go to my room and take a shower then change into my outfit (the one that is at the top of the chapter) I do my makeup and the leave. I have naturally pretty good hair when I wake up. Sometimes I don't even brush it. It takes to long. I go downstairs and the boys are still asleep... Typical. It is noon. I jump on the couch and wake up all of them. "Get up you lazy butts and go get ready for the day." I say to each of them and kiss their cheeks. They all leave except for Hayes. He comes over and hugs me. Gilinsky see and comes over to
Hayes and whispers "Keep your hands off my daughter. I take it back. You cannot date her." ,And leaves. Hayes looks like his mom just died. He is really sad. I don't know why though. I love him but I didn't know he liked me. Or even wanted to go out with me. I want to date him. But Gilinsky's my dad. I don't want him to be mad. I love him and Hayes. "Hey Brook can we go to your room?" Hayes asked me, interrupting my thoughts. "Ohh uhh yeah let's go." I said and got up. He grabbed my hand and it sent tingles all down my spine. We got to room and he dragged me in and closed the door. He got all nervous and asked "h-hey Brook can I-I ask you something?" I wonder why he is nervous. "Of course Hayes." I said. "Would you like to go to the park tomorrow?" He said a little calmed down. "Hayes I would love to." I say smiling. We go back down to the kitchen. All nine of the boys are eating cereal. Then I look at them and say good morning and all that stuff to each of the boys. Then when I get to Gilinsky he hugs me and says we are going shopping. Again? He is gonna go broke if he keeps doing this. "Jack you are gonna go broke. Spend money on something worth it." I say and he looks at me and says "I am though." Awe I am worth something to my dad. He is already dressed so we leave. He leads me to a blue mustang. He opens the passenger door and runs to the driver side. I get in and put my seat belt on. He gets in and does the same. He starts driving an puts the radio on. A song called Groove comes on. "This is a really good song." I say to him as I turn it up. "Well I am glad that you like it." He answers. "Why?" I ask suddenly confused. "Because that is Johnson and I." He says like it is a normal thing. "WHAT? NO WAY! I DID NOT KNOW YOU WERE FAMOUS! CAN YOU SING IT FOR ME!?" I scream. He starts singing a different song.
And it's flights to LA
Trips to Paris
They could talk
But we couldn't care less
Girl woahhhh
He finishes off. It is amazing. "Johnson is the one who raps most of the time. I sing more." I just say "wow." He laughs and turns off the car. We go in the mall and he hands me 500$ and says "spend as you please." I tried giving him 400$ back but after the third time of trying, he gave it back and ran off. I go into a shop called "Icing" and buy nail polish and a bunch of earrings. I have like 350$ left so I go to a place called "hot topic" and buy a bunch of band shirts and snapback. I bought Sammy and I matching ones and I bought Dad and I a snapback that says " We da boss" on it and is black with maroon letters. Sammy and I are really close. He is like my second dad. Gilinsky and I are the closest but next to him is Sammy. Dad and I have matching bracelets. Mine says "I'm a Gilinsky" and his says "She's a Gilinsky. They are silver bands that he got the day after I was adopted. We agreed that we would meet up in the food court at like 2:30. It is 2:20 now so I will just start heading there and wait for him. When I see him I stand up and wave. He comes up and gives me a hug and we agree on a place to eat. We went to Hibachi and we sat down in a booth and ordered our food. We just got the buffet. He gets up to get his food and then I do. We get it then sit back down. He says "So Brook where did you spend the 500$ I made you take?" I smile and say " Well I got nail polish and earrings and I also went to Hot Topic and got you this!" I say as I pull out the hat. "Awe thank you so much Brook!" He says as he puts in on. Then I pull out mine and put in on. "TWINNING" he screams and plops in on my head. He is wearing a maroon shirt and white shorts. Oh my god. We have matching outfits. And we did not even mean to. "Jack." I say looking at him. "What?" He says with furrowed eyes. "Look at yourself and then at me." I say. He does and says "oh my god we match. THAT IS AWESOME!!" He screams and people look at us again. We start laughing and finish our meal. He pays and we walk out still laughing. We get in the car and go home. I turn my iPod and check the time. It is like 9:30 pm. We open the door and Hayes engulfs me in a hug. He has to bend down because he is taller than me. He buries his head in my hair and started swaying back and forth. It was so cute. Then we were pulled apart by two strong arms. Gilinsky was furious. He looked like he was about to explode. Sammy took me upstairs and I broke down. I was a crying and Sammy came over and picked me up and carried me to his room and put me in his couch. He laid down with me. I heard screaming and tried to get up but Sammy kept pulling me back. He is really strong so I couldn't get up. Eventually sleep took over and I gave up. He gathered me up in his arms and I drifted off thinking about Hayes.

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