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You weren't who you were supposed to be
And I jumped on you just like a freak.

Now que Jimin Hyung's 'excuse me'


5th August, 2021

"I really don't want this, Taru" you said as you rummaged through your passport details again. You had a seat next to her in the economy section, just like the rest of the staff. "I'm not a part of Bighit" you stated and she tched.

"You don't have to be!" She let out irritated, her face scrunched. "Listen. We're both going to the USA on the same day, so rather than getting two flights booked at two different times and two different hotels, why not get two tickets booked on a single flight and a single hotel, with me and you together? It's not like I'm booking my flight with the other staff! They were offering a discount but I declined just so I could get the seat right next to you. Now kindly shut up, and come with me. The boarding pass is in your hand any way." She let out all at once, ignoring you and moving ahead in the airport.

You took in a deep breath but nonetheless walked after her, shrugging off any other doubts. You sat in the plane, looking out the small window and sighing. You didn't want to do anything. You didn't want to meet the others. You wanted to stay away from them. You wanted to stay away from him.

Not because you didn't want to see them or that you wanted to forget them. It didn't scare you that they had all forgotten about you or that they never knew you. You didn't care if Jungkook recognized you or not. All you were worried about, was if you would be able to act clueless this time when you see him.

All you were worried about, was if you could act as if you never knew him after he put a ring on your finger a few days ago.


7th August, 2021

Bangtan had already checked in the hotel, so had all the tour staff that included Taru, and on special circumstances you too. The decor was not just simple, it beautifully and aesthetically complimented the hotel. Nothing small but everything was grandiose and magnificent.

Their performance was important, and was on a huge scale. They had been in the stadiums and on stages in the past years as well but they were still nervous. Just to make sure that everything went right, they practiced as long as they could.

Running from one place to another, taking the correct posture, and then coming back to the original positions was difficult. But they kept on training themselves for perfection, not wanting to leave a single mistake for the viewers to spot, they wanted to make it worth everything. They wanted to make ARMY proud. And they knew they will.

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