Focus Pt. 2~ Anakin Skywalker

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Anakin's POV

Rex and I had been walking for what seemed like hours. We fell behind the creature and walked endlessly. Rex followed some of the tracks.

"I need to get back to (Y/n)." I said, gripping onto my lightsaber hilt tighter.

Rex stood up from the ground. "She's strong sir, I'm sure she'll be fine." He said as he walked further into the forest.

My mind was clouded of thoughts about (Y/n). How could I let this happen to her? I should've gone instead of her anyways. Maybe if I convinced her to stay at the temple, this whole thing could've been avoided.

"General Skywalker." Rex's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Sorry." I said looking over to where he was.

Rex stood straight with his blaster to his chest. We were now standing in front of a dark cave.

"The tracks lead in there sir." Rex said.

I nodded and grabbed my lightsaber, turning it on. "Let's go."

I held up my lightsaber to help give off some light as we walked through the cave. Rex stood behind me, his blaster at the ready.

"It couldn't have gone that far." I huffed, a white cloud coming out of my mouth.

I blinked since I didn't notice it was starting to get colder. Rex nodded. Suddenly a loud screech echoed through the cave. Rex pointed his blaster into the darkness and I took a defensive position. Rex turned around and pushed his back against mine so we both could see in front and behind us. I watched as a tail flashed in the blue light. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared in the dark. Then a bird-like creature came jumping out of the darkness.

"Rex move!" I yelled and jumped to the side.

The clone did the same and quickly shot at the creature. The animal screeched and turned towards him. I quickly ran at it, swinging my lightsaber at it. Its eyes twitched to me and it held up an arm. I smirked softly before my saber bounced off of the arm. My face dropped and I stood there staring at my lightsaber. Suddenly I felt my body get slammed against the cave wall. Rex yelled my name and shot at the creature. I groaned softly, my vision blurred. Blaster shots rang through the cave. The creature ran up to me, hovering over me. My eyes widened as I pushed it away from me with the force. It screeched louder and looked at me. Rex took cover behind a rock, shooting at the creature.

"Rex, it's immune to my lightsaber!" I yelled out towards the clone, taking a defensive stance again.

"There seems to be a weak spot under its chin sir!" He yelled back.

The creature screamed and reared up. I noticed a small slit on its chin. I nodded and reached up to slice the creature. Its arm reached down to me and slammed me against the wall again. My lightsaber flew out of my hands onto the floor. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head. The creature stalked towards me. I panicked slightly not having a weapon with me. Then it hit me. I grabbed (Y/n)'s lightsaber and ignited it. The green blade illuminated everything and I looked at the creature. It slowly crawled closer and closer. I waited for it to get closer to me. When its head was near me, I stood up and slashed at the slit in its chin. It reared away from me and screamed, blood flowing out of the chin. Rex ran up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. My head was pounding from the force of the hit against the wall.

"You alright sir?" Rex asked as he helped me stand up.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine." I groaned out.

I walked over to my lightsaber and picked it up. Rex looked into the darkness.

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