Magic ~ Han Solo

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Hi wait I totally didn't just write the whole tangled scene but with Han what are you talking about

Han and I ran through the small forest together. Twigs snapped from under our feet and mixed pants of breath from the two of us. I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, his hand tight around his blaster, small cuts decorated his face. Han caught my eyes and winked before chuckling. I smiled and quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him into a small cave area. It was a tight squeeze so we were pushed against each other. I held up my finger to my lips, signaling him to be quiet. He nodded and held his blaster up, ready to aim. Stormtroopers ran by but one stopped and started looking around. Han aimed slightly before shooting him. The white armor fell into the mud splattering it. The troopers that had ran ahead quickly turned around, bolting towards their fallen soldier. Han grabbed onto my arm as he tried to shimmy out of the small opening.
I whisper yelled, pulling him towards the opening that was farther in the cave. He turned and looked at it.
"Good eye."
He said as I pulled him through the tight space. My heart racing at the closeness of the walls, hoping it was a way out. Han squeezed my hand, trying to came my nerves a little. A small smile pulled at my lips. Before I could register what happened, my stomach dropped as I fell down a hole. I yelped out of fear and surprise. Han was still holding onto my hand and his other was holding the cave wall.
"Shit! (Y/n), are you okay!?"
Han yelled, worry lacing his voice. My heart was pounding in my chest as I looked down seeing about a 30 feet fall. A lump started to form in my throat.
"(Y/n), hey! Look at me."
Han said making me quickly catch his eyes. I tried to pull my foot up trying to find a ledge to try to grip. Han's eyebrows widened slightly as he jerked forward a little.
I whimpered, still looking into his eyes.
"It'll be alright, okay? I'm here."
He reassured me.
"Just give me a second to think."
Han looked around his foot propped against a small rock. Footsteps echoed through the small entrance making Han curse under his breath.
"Is there water down there?"
"Not that I could see."
I looked at the rock, my hand hurting from the tight squeeze the two of us had.
"(Y/n), trust me. Grab my hand.
Han said before moving closer, reaching down to try and grab my other hand. I quickly reached up to grab him. That quick movement rumbled the ledge as I grabbed him. Han's eyes widened as he was yanked forward. I felt his body quickly wrap around me as we fell. Everything seemed to flash by. The day I met Han. We were both getting a job from Jabba. God that smile of his literally knocked me off of my feet. He flirted a lot too which wasn't surprising since everyone talks about him. Now it seemed like it was all coming to an end. I looked up at Han, his arms around my waist and his hair flying upward. He looked at me and smiled softly. I closed my eyes quickly and held onto him, waiting for the impact of the floor; instead there was a big splash and my body stiffened from the cold water. I felt Han thrash in the water slightly. He held onto me tight as he pushed up to the surface. We both gasped for air as we reached the top.
"Han did you-?"
I quickly stopped talking as Han smashed his lips against mine. My eyes widened before I slowly kissed him back. He pulled away and held me close to his body. I could feel his arms shaking slightly. I smiled softly. He chuckled and pushed his forehead against mine.
"You're one crazy son of a bitch Solo."
I looked around to find a way out of the water. He sighed and moved away from me, pushing against rocks on the wall. I started to do the same before taking a deep breath and swimming under the water. I felt the pull of the water current going the through a few rocks. My hands wrapped around the small rocks pulling them forward. A few fell towards the bottom of the small cave. I started running out of breath so I pushed towards the surface, Han grabbing me half way to help pull me up. I gasped for air and held onto him.
"Did you find something?"
I breathed out and pointed towards the small hole I had made. He moved me towards a small ledge.
"Hold onto this."
Han kissed my forehead. He quickly swam towards the small hole. I held onto the ledge and waited for him to resurface. I took a breath and swam to meet him down underneath the water. Han was pulling at the rocks, there was a big one that wouldn't move. I swam next to him and gripped onto it. We both yanked on it. Han made a quick movement and pulled away from the rock. He yelled slightly under the water making me snap my head towards him. The water turned red slightly around his hand. My eyes widened as I grabbed onto him and pushed him towards the surface. We both gasped for air and Han spit out water. He coughed and held his hand up. I grabbed it and looked at the cut. It was a sizable cut but not really deep.
"Good job."
I rolled my eyes at him before swimming back to the rock. I focused more energy into it, yanking it away making a big enough hole for us to swim through. Han grabbed my arm making me jump, since I didn't know he swam next to me. He pulled me through the hole. The current did most of the work, pushing us towards a light. We were dumped out in a small river. Han quickly pushed me towards the shoreline and I crawled out of the water, gasping for air. Han emerged next to me panting, getting any air he could in. He locked eyes with me and smiled brightly. He laughed and threw his arm around me pulling me closer. I started to laugh too, putting my face in his chest .
"Out of all the times we've ran away from the empire, this was the craziest one."
I breathed out. Han chuckled and nodded. I slowly grabbed his hand and looked at the cut.
"I'm fine honey, don't worry about it."
Han said softly.
"Shush, just let me fix it."
I placed my hand on top of the cut making Han wince.
"(Y/n) what are you doing?"
He questioned as I closed my eyes and focused on him. I moved my hand away to show the completely healed cut. Han's eyes widened as he stared at his hand.
"How in the hell?"
"I learned I had the force a few weeks ago. I knew you didn't really believe in it so I didn't tell you."
I sat up slightly, rubbing the sand off me. Han chuckled and stood up.
"You still could've told me."
Han helped me up. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.
"Oh well."

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