Ghost ~ Luke Skywalker

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Luke's POV

I sighed as I walked towards the huge house. I had found out that my family had a house on Naboo that I technically now owned. I decided that it would be a good house just to stay in for the time being. I needed to be alone and able to relax without having to deal with everything. R2 was the only one I had brought with me. He beeped excitedly as he moved towards the door. I chuckled and opened it, letting him go through it.
"You're awfully eager R2."
I said softly, he beeped and spun around and I smiled. We went around the house, it was still furnished and everything. I found a small study area with a desk in the middle. I walked in and looked around, a piano sat in the corner of the room while the walls were filled with books. I glanced at some of the titles seeing that there were a bunch of political books and history books of different rulers of Naboo. I smiled and traced my finger across the piano, making a small trail from the dust. R2 beeped and rolled past the door towards the bedroom. I slowly walked out of the room, something there made me want to stay but I didn't know what it was. I shook it off and walked out towards R2.

Time Skip

I had woken up from the sleep I had been in. It was the middle of the night and I swore I could hear someone playing the piano in the study. I'd laid in bed for a about an hour before I mustered the energy to get up and check it out. I reached over on the nightstand, grabbing my lightsaber hilt. I started to walk down the hallway towards the study where the only piano was. As I got closer, the sound became louder so I knew I wasn't crazy. I stood at the wall beside the doorway, listening. It was a beautiful song but it was driving me crazy. I ignited my lightsaber and stepped through the door. A light blue girl sat on the small bench. Her (h/l) hair was combed perfectly as her fingers glided across the keys. She also wore Naboo style dress. She made a small eye glance at me before continuing to play.
"Who are you?!"
I yelled out, holding up my lightsaber. She quickly stopped and turned to look at me.
"You can see me?"
She questioned. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Yes, but who are you?"
I asked again, tightening my grip on my saber.
"I'm (Y/n). No one has been able to see me since Skywalker."
She mumbled standing up.
"Oh, Anakin Skywalker. look a little like him."
(Y/n) had walked closer to me, placing a hand on my cheek. I shivered slightly at the cold touch.
"He was my dad, this house was my mother's."
She smiled.
"I remember when your mother got pregnant. I told Anakin I hoped it was a girl, she would've been spoiled to death by him."
(Y/n) said moving away from me, flattening her dress. I smiled and turned my lightsaber off, thinking about Leia.
"I always wondered what happened to the two of them. Padmé had left and that was the last I saw of anyone."
(Y/n) sat back down on the piano bench.
" mother died in childbirth of me and my sister and Anakin turned to the dark side.."
I said softly, looking down at the floor. Her eyes widened and she quickly stood up.
"I'm so sorry."
She said walking towards me.
"I would've never thought Anakin would turn.."
(Y/n) whispered softly, looking down at the floor. I sighed and smiled slightly.
"I helped bring him back to the light. There was still good in him."
She smiled and nodded.
"There was always conflict with him."
Loud beeps echoed through the halls and R2 zoomed through the door. I laughed slightly as he circled around me and (Y/n). She laughed and watched the droid.
"R2! I missed you so much."
She kneeled down and touched the droid. He beeped excitedly making me smiled. Maybe this house wouldn't be too bad

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