The Beast

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"Another waste of time," Deku sighed walking on top of some corpses.

"It's worse than that my equipment broke," Toga complained.

"Hey Shigaraki, how many times does this make now?" Deku asked.

"Shut up, if you have time to chat at least find something valuable here," Shigaraki replied.

"Yea, yea," Deku kicked over one of the bodies on the ground.

They were cultists wearing a black robe with a white skull, they were a group that discriminated against mutant type quirks. 

"Killing these guys make you feel anything?" Toga asked.

"Not really, if people aren't discriminating against being quirkless then they'll do it to something else," Deku sighed.

"Nope only junk here," Mr. Compress said.

"Grab what you can and let's leave," Shigaraki said.

At the League's hideout, Eri and Twice would be waiting for them. "Found anything good - probably nothing but crap again."

"Yea nothing but crap," Deku told Twice.

"You're looking a bit exhausted Deku," Eri said.

"You're actually looking pretty pale," Toga says as she glances over to Deku.

"Really? I feel fine," Deku replied.

"I can't take this!" Spinner suddenly screams as everyone looks towards him. "Aren't we supposed to be changing society for Stain's ideals!? Why are we committing petty theft against other villains!?"

"What can we do, we're strapped for cash," Shigaraki states leaning back on a chair.

"If we cooperated with Overhaul we could be eating sushi right now," Mr. Compress joked.

"I can send you to meet him," Eri glared at Mr. Compress.

"Don't be stupid, working with them was never gonna happen," Shigaraki said.

"Spinner does have a point though, we brought the country into disarray but look at us now," Mr. Compress said.

"Why the hell is everyone here, am I the only one doing any work?" Dabi asks as he enters the hideout.

"Having difficulty on your end as well?" Magne asks.

"Yea, they're all trash," Dabi says disappointed.

"Things really haven't been going our way ever since Kurogiri got captured," Shigaraki states.

"You said he was picking up a weapon?" Deku asks.

"Yea, something All for One left behind. Without Kurogiri we can't find the doctor either. I was hoping he might come to us since you were in contact with him," Shigaraki replies.

"Kurogiri was the one who asked the doctor on my behalf I don't know anything about him," Deku replied.

"Hey, who is this doctor person?" Eri asks.

"He's the creator of the Nomus and an extremely cautious guy, I've only heard his voice through the TV," Shigaraki replies.

"Does even know where we are? What if he's looking for us as well and we never find each other!" Twice starts to panic.

"Then we'll eventually be captured by heroes or maybe die from lack of funds," Dabi states.

"Always so cheerful aren't you," Deku says.

"So where are we headed now," Spinner asks.

"No idea," Shigaraki states.

"Then what's the point in me being here, I'm only here because of Stain. Thanks to him I knew this world needed to change and I needed to change as well. You said you were going to open up a world of change Shigaraki so how come we're all stuck like this!" Spinner yells.

The Villain born from Shattered DreamsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora