Metahuman Liberation Army

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The League looked down from a hill onto the suburbs of the city. Deku begins to stretch as it would his first time using this pseudo-Nomu body. 

"So if our plan works how much of this place will be left?" Deku wonders.

"Hopefully none it's kinda pissing me off," Shigaraki answers.

"It's harder to find something that doesn't piss you off," Deku retorted.

"He seems the same to me - He's a sarcastic jerk!" Twice yells.

"Keep destroying yourself and you'll end up looking worse than me," Dabi teases.

"Wait, is someone coming?" Toga noticed as she looked over someone heading over rather quickly.

Someone slid right in front of the League stopping right before them. "Don't come any closer, I was ordered to guide you into the city," The person said.

He was a tall muscular man with a purple and green hero outfit, most notable about this man was his large chin.

"Is he a hero?" Spinner asked as all eyes seem to fall on Deku, expecting him to answer.

"Slidn' Go, the quirk is in the name," Deku says.

"I'm impressed you even know someone like me," Slidn' Go says.

"Any other information?" Shigaraki asked.

"I don't think he'd be apart of their group if there was," Deku replies.

"Anyway please follow me," Slidn' Go says.

The League followed the hero into the city as not a soul could be seen on the streets. Shigaraki glances back at Deku who glances back, both could feel something terribly off about this place.

"The entire city huh," Shigaraki says as he glances to someone trying to hide on one of the roofs.

"We should assume they know quite a bit about us, more so than most heroes probably do," Deku says.

"Correct on both accounts," A man says walking forward as Slidn' Go backs off leaving the Villains. "You may call me Trumpet and my partner here is called Curious. Everyone in this city belongs to the Liberation army and they've been training thier whole lives for the Liberation's rebirth.

"Then I guess everyone in this city will be dead," Deku states as his hand touches a nearby building demolishing it as the debris fall on the people inside.

"You're impatient aren't you, then let's start the revival celebration for the Metahuman Liberation Army!" Trumpet declares.

People start appearing from buildings and rooftops throwing their quirks all around The League of Villains.

"I think you jumped the gun Deku!" Mr. Compress yells as he narrowly avoids the attacks.

"This was their plan from the start," Deku says.

"Hehe, you always like to start the fights don't you," Toga said gleefully. She ran forward as suddenly the ground under her exploded.

"Toga!" Deku said as he tried to turn around but noticed how the Liberation army was slowly splitting the group up.

"Bastards where is Girian!" Twice shouted.

"He's at the tower," Trumpet said pointing behind him to the largest building in the city.

"Off to the tower then," Shigaraki moves forward as two people get in his way only to be turned to dust.

"Now what to do," Deku thought there should be something more efficient then mindlessly running with Shigaraki towards the tower. Deku pondered as his eyes kept darting from person to person. His habit of trying to understand quirks we're getting the better of him, he couldn't concentrate on all of them.

Deku's eyes fall upon Trumpet who was trying to disappear in the chaos. Deku touches the ground as spike appears below all the Liberation members close to him. Some were able to dodge while others were impaled allowing Deku to move forward.

Deku touches the ground creating a wall in front of Trumpet to prevent him from escaping.

"You're tenacious aren't you," Trumpet says.

"This is your party I'd hate for you to miss the celebration!" Deku retorts.

"Someone like you is a natural enemy for our beliefs, a quirkless person who gained a quirk could never understand the liberation we meta humans desire," Trumpet explains.

"I can't quite remember my quirkless life and even if I could I don't care. What I do know is your belief is a failure from the ground up," Deku says.

"You dare mock our dreams? The quirkless boy who wanted to be a hero dares to mock our dreams!" Trumpet yells.

Deku couldn't help but laugh, "Your dream is a contradiction."

"Being able to use the gifts you're born with is a given right!" 

"You just don't see it, the contradiction lies with All for One. What happens when someone with a quirk that steals quirks is given freedom? That's not including the greater disparity in social classes your ideals would create," Despite Deku explaining this Trumpet noticed a smile growing on the kid's face. "Would you create rules to stop people from abusing their quirks? Doing so would against your very words of Liberation."

"Now I get it, the briefing didn't say you were that kind of person Deku. You enjoy tormenting others because your own dreams couldn't be fulfilled?" Trumpet asks.

"I'm not here to be psychoanalyzed by you, I'm here to take you hostage in exchange for Girian," Deku responded.

"A warning for you Deku, your condescension of others makes it easy to buy time," the wall exploded as van rushged through the opening and honked the horn loudly. Quirks we're fired at Deku causing him to get pushed back.

Trumpet got onto the back of the vehicle as it started to drive off. Deku tried making spikes in the path of the vehicle but it was able to avoid them swerving down different roads until it was out of sight.

"He got away," Deku glanced around having been separated from the others. He walks over to the closest building and quickly heads to the roof to analyze the situation. "we're outnumbered, being spread apart, and we don't know what quirks they have. With Shigaraki's plan still needing an hour, we're gonna need a better strategy."

Deku didn't have time to concentrate on a plan as he was continuously attacked. He decided the best method would be to regroup with the others and started heading towards the place the fighting seemed the heaviest. 

Shigaraki was having an easier time then he was with Gigantomachia, but the exhaustion was showing on his face. Dabi focused on single enemies and avoided overusing his quirk. Mr. Compress was simply compressing and then throwing large objects. Spinner and Magne were working together to avoid being overwhelmed. It seemed everyone managed to stay together until Twice, who had been simply dodging attacks, pointed out Toga wasn't with them.

"I'll go look for her," Deku said as he noticed explosions off in the distance and figured she must be there.

"I'll go instead! I'm not really good at fighting armies so I'm not too useful on the frontlines, I can at least create clones to assist Toga though," Twice stated before running off.

"The other clone should be destroyed by now so it's fine, take this just in case," Mr. Compress said as he handed Twice something.

"Other clone, what's going on and what did you give twice?" Deku asked curiously. He couldn't concentrate since he was fighting.

"Something I compressed beforehand. If he creates a clone of me he will be able to take out its contents, let's hope he doesn't need it."


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