Not a Tool

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Time's running out Shigaraki, tell me how you plan to prove yourself? If I don't like it then I'll send you all back to get obliterated by Gigantomachia," The doctor said.

"Everyone wants to change this hero society or become the new leaders of the underground, but what I desire is simple. The destruction of everything, every living breathing thing turned to dust. Lend me your help doctor and I'll show you the world in a way you never dreamed possible, everything from heaven to hell," Shigaraki stated.

"Wait what about the things I like, are you going to destroy them too?" Toga interrupted.

"The wishes of my comrades are different, do you as you like," Shigaraki replied.

"Yay," Toga cheers happily.

The doctor was silent for a few moments before laughing uncontrollably. "I can't believe you can still say something so childish with a straight face, I'm in. The desire to destroy everything but keep the desires of your comrades sounds impossible, but villains are people who bring pipe dreams to life! For now, call me Ujiko." 

"It was that easy?" Mr. Compress asked.

"I wanted to see how much Shigaraki has grown, I planned to help you from the beginning. Gigantomachia, however, is someone you will have to convince on your own. As agreed I'll rebuild the boy but to handle what I can offer your group will need to be much stronger, defeat Gigantomachia and prove your strength," Ujiko said.

"When you rebuild Deku, you aren't going to make him look like those other Nomu right?" Toga asked.

"He will have the insides of a Nomu but he will look the same as he does now," Ujiko answered.

"Then send us back so we can defeat that mini-boss," Shigaraki said.

"First take these," Ujiko sent out a robotic arm handing everyone an earpiece. "Use these to stay in touch,"

"You guys do what you want I have other things to take care of," Dabi stated.

"Don't be mad because you were useless against the giant," Toga remarked. 

"Shut up you lunatic I'm still working with a potential recruit," Dabi said.

"I look forward to it," Shigaraki said.

"If you're not fighting Gigantomachia, how about you do me a favor. I want you to test out my new High-End Nomu," Ujiko said.

"I thought I said I was busy," Dabi commented.

"Don't worry I know the Nomu will match your tastes," Ujiko said eagerly.

"Can you send us back already?" Shigaraki stated impatiently.

"Before I do there's one more thing, the other member of your group where is she?"

"Are you sure now is a good time especially with Deku like this?" Mr. Compress commented.

"I don't know what kind of connection you all have with her but if she's close to Deku then seeing him like this would be good motivation," Ujiko explained.

"Their connection is reminiscent of sensei and me," Shigaraki said.

"I think it's insulting that you would compare All for One to that near-dead boy on the floor," Ujiko said.

"It's not that he's similar to All for One, it's that she's similar to me," Shigaraki corrected.

"She's similar to you? How interesting. Well bring her out," Ujiko said getting impatient.

Mr. Compress took out the marble and released Eri who was inside. She was a bit confused by the surroundings but upon seeing Deku she quickly rushed to his side.

"What's wrong Deku, wake up."Eri cried shaking him.

"Deku is alive, he'll probably be dead by the day's end if nothing is done but I've already promised to save him," Ujiko commented.

"If you promised to help why is he still like this?" Eri asked confused.

"I'll answer that later," Ujiko turned to the others. "It would be unwise to bring her near Gigantomachia, she will stay here when you're fighting him."

A small Nomu began to drool black liquid from its mouth as the other villains suddenly had the same black liquid coming from their mouths causing them to be teleported back to Gigantomachia. 

Ujiko has a Nomu lay Deku's body to an operating table, Ujiko then brings Eri to the table to watch. "What's your quirk girl."

"My name is Eri and my quirk is rewind, I can only rewind living things out of existence currently," Eri said.

"So it was your quirk that was used in those quirk erasing drugs. Imagine the things I could do if I researched your quirk," Ujiko commented.

The face and reaction Ujiko was making reminded her of Overhaul as her body began to shake nervously. Seeing this shaking Ujiko became disgusted, upon learning the history of the girl and what Deku did for her his disgust only grew. Shigaraki and Eri were completely different, while they both accidentally killed their own family Eri was lacking the rage and drive Shigaraki possessed. 

"I may have promised Shigaraki but I'm not completely sure I can save him, but if you agree to my experiments then I can guarantee is survival. What do you say, girl?" Ujiko asked.

Eri would do anything to save Deku but she didn't want to go back to the same kind of life she had before. She clenched her fist trying to think about the best option, she was still only a young girl and was already being pushed further into the dark manipulative villain world. 

"I won't be someone's tool ever again!" Eri declared as her horn began to glow, her hand touching the Nomu as it cried out and vanished. "Save him or I'll erase you and every creature here."

"You would kill me even though I'm the only one who can save him?" Ujiko asked curiously.

"No, I'm going to kill you if you don't start saving him now!" Eri yelled.

"There is no need for that Eri," Ujiko said with a smile. "I'm sorry about that but I had to understand what kind of person you are. Please turn off your quirk I don't need any more of my precious creations disappearing."

Eri complies as she watched Deku get cut open in multiple places to have machines attached within Deku's body. Ujiko begins to inject multiple wires and tubes inside Deku's body to prevent it from going into cardiac arrest. Eri was used to seeing lots of blood since her time with Overhaul, but it was still unpleasant since it was  Deku's body. Once Ujiko was done a different Nomu had to be called to put Izuku inside a capsule as it is filled with liquid.

"The way you spoke to me and how you speak about Deku sounds like you don't like us," Eri said.

"Why I didn't like you and why I don't like the boy are for very different reasons. Shigaraki mentioned how similar he was to you, but when I looked at you all I saw was a timid exploitable girl. You've proven that there is something more to you," Ujiko said.

"What about Deku?" Eri asked.

"That's a different matter I don't think you would understand, I knew about him back when he joined the League of Villains," Ujiko said.

Eri nods as she stares at Deku within the tank; Ujiko walks away going further into his lab to be alone. Ujiko sits on his chair as he thinks to himself about Deku. 

When Ujiko first heard about Deku joining the league and how the boy had heroes and their quirks memorized he was impressed. He believed Deku's relationship with Shigaraki would be similar to his own with All for One. He was going to take Deku on as an apprentice and show the boy a wider understanding of quirks. Instead, Deku's actions seem to go against Shigaraki's desires. When he gaveAll for One's DNA to Deku to prove his knowledge of quirks Deku nearly dead kills himself. He can't understand why Shigaraki would keep a boy like that around.


So I had no plans to change how Deku looked but with all the comments asking I just had to make Toga ask it as well.

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