A Pillar Man Awakens

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"I have a proposal." You looked curiously at the German soldier. "Designate one amongst yourselves for execution. We need blood for an experiment. The lot of you must choose who will be the one to die. The rest of you will be freed today." You felt a bit relieved that he was only going to kill one of them instead of all of them.

A kid in a blue shirt spoke up, "I volunteer. If I die, you'll save the rest of 'em, right?" You looked at the kid, sad that it would be someone so young.

"Excellent, young man. I have respect for men of courage like you. Only the excellent should survive." He walked up to the kid and put an arm on his back. "Execute everyone except the boy!" You let out a shocked gasp at the same time the people in the cell screamed. You cursed yourself for not realizing he was doing a weird test like that.

You followed silently behind Stroheim, the pace of your steps matching his. He was smiling to himself and you wondered why you ever thought he'd keep his word. You followed the blonde man back to the room that allowed viewing of the pillar man. A few other soldiers were behind you bringing Speedwagon in on a wheelchair. He looked shocked to see you in the military attire. You adverted your gaze, not wanting him to see you like this.

Speedwagon was moved towards you though, and you figured they meant for you to be the one pushing him now. You moved your gaze back to the now old man, your eyes meeting his. You gave him a small smile as you began rolling the wheelchair.

"Put him in the center, we wouldn't want him to miss the view, right?"

You nodded and moved him appropriately while Stroheim sat at a chair located in front of the bright lights. Someone brought him a white mug filled with water which he took a sip of occasionally. You remained standing next to Speedwagon as the experiment commenced. Speedwagon was practically shaking in fright and all you could really do was put a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"Major von Stroheim, the pillar is cracking!" Shouted one of the other people in the room. "It has gorged on the blood of five prisoners. We still do not know the full extent of its power. Feeding it too much may be dangerous."

Stroheim stood from his seat, "How exactly is it feeding on the prisoners' blood?" The cup filled with water in his hand shook and almost spilled to the floor. "Never mind! Don't tell me! I can imagine."

He walked over to a sink of sorts and put some water in his mouth. He gargled it before spitting it out. "Speedwagon." Stroheim walked over to the two of you. He pushed you aside slightly so he could put an arm on Speedwagon's shoulder. "What are you so afraid of? You're acting so strange."

"Don't get too cozy, pompous prick!" You were shocked by Speedwagon's sudden outburst and you moved to take a step backwards but Stroheim grabbed your wrist and pulled you back forward.

"Listen. That laboratory is built like a bomb shelter. It's made of 50 centimeter thick steel plates, and is equipped with flamethrowers, machine guns, and timed explosives. Ever see a child at the zoo afraid of a caged grizzly? Of course not!" You actually had, but you kept your mouth shut as the blonde man towered over Speedwagon. "He's nothing more than some decrepit old caveman!"

Several cracks formed in the pillar and blood began shooting out from them. "Something's spurting out!" Shouted one of the other soldiers who was looking through the glass. Speedwagon let out a frightened gasp and Stroheim turned his head to see what was happening. "It's blood! The blood it absorbed is pouring out! We can't see a thing!"

"Use the sprinkler system!" Water began pouring from sprinklers on the roof of the containment area, cleaning the blood away.

The man in the pillar suddenly lost his stone appearance and now seemed made of flesh and bone. Everyone in the room gasped at the sudden change. He stepped forward, head facing the ground as he broke the remaining stone pieces from his body. Stroheim watched enamored by the spectacle.

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