Bringing Them Together

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You were about halfway up the Nile when Avdol pointed to the rather barren landscape in the distance, "The tomb of the famous King Tutankhamun lies in the Valley of the Kings."

Polnareff stared at the Egyptian, still seeming a bit tired, "Eh? So this place is pretty historical."

"Apparently," Continued Avdol, "there are still people who dig under there houses secretly from the government, hoping to find gold and treasure."

The French man gave an interested hum, "I wonder if there are still any tombs and or treasures left to be found."

Avdol gave a light chuckle, "There may be."

You spoke up, "Feel free to search if you'd like, Jean. After we defeat Dio, of course. I'm sure if you struck something good it'd provide some much needed funding for-" Polnareff quickly covered your mouth, stopping you from stating the name of his amusement park.

Caesar rose an eyebrow, "Funding for what?"

Polnareff gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, nothing... Just our honeymoon." That seemed to gain the other group member's attention. None of them seeming all that amused.

Caesar swatted the French man on the back of the neck, "Don't be stupid. You shouldn't joke about things like that."

Jotaro looked around, "By the way, where did the old man go?"

"The bathroom." Answered Avdol. "Iggy's with him, so if anything seems odd, they'll notice."

"Toilet?" Questioned Polnareff.

"Do you need to go, too?" Asked the Egyptian man.

He had to think for a while before responding, "If it's a real bathroom, sure."

You could barely make out the sound of Joseph screaming. A bit worried that something could be amiss, you all went back to check on him.

Joseph was laying on the ground with one hand holding his hat, "I-It shocked me..."

You took a few steps closer and offered a hand to help him up, "Joseph, you alright? We've been here long enough, we should be going soon..."

"Huh? R-Right..." Joseph grabbed your hand and you hoisted him up with some difficulty. He looked off to the side at what seemed to be a steaming power outlet. "But what a surprise that was... Since there's power running through it, does that mean they have electricity around here?" He absentmindedly moved his hand to your lower back as he led you away from the outlet and followed after the rest of the group. "What a strange place. How surreal."

You all moved along, going into the town and stopping at a snack shack of sorts. Joseph bought a bunch of cola bottles as it seemed to be the only drink he cared about consuming. The radio played nothing but static as Jotaro stared out into the water and the rest of you sat around the wooden picnic table.

"We could make it to Cairo in two days, but we're all injured." Stated Avdol. He smiled at you as he put his hand over your hand that was resting on the table, "Well, all except (Y/N), I suppose. But why don't we spend tonight and tomorrow in Luxor to take a break?"

Polnareff took a swig of the carbonated beverage, "Let's do that. Ever since we got to Egypt, the enemy Stands have been getting stronger. We've just barely been winning." He seemed to accidentally knock the bottle over, making some of the cola spill out and pool towards Avdol. The fortune teller quickly stood up, not wanting his clothes to be stained. "Oh. I'm so sorry, Avdol." Although, he didn't sound or look apologetic. He grabbed a few napkins and started to clean the spilt cola. "I'm just a bit clumsy, is all."

Avdol narrowed his eyes at the French man and moved to sit on the opposite side of the table since what was the only clean and empty spot. "Don't worry about it..."

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