chap. 13 || cute

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AN: I love all of your comments omg~^~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*12:46pm

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AN: I love all of your comments omg

"You lost it??!"

You slowly nodded. Lilia sighed, brushing her light brown hair backwards with her fingers as she sipped on her juice box, a hint of stress and sort of pissed look on her face.

So, you decided to tell your dear old 'friend' that you apparently lost the letter yesterday during practice with the volleyball team. And oh boy, did she not like the news she heard from you.

It was lunch, and you were eating alone at your table when Lilia came rushing towards your desk to ask about the letter she had asked you to deliver to the good looking volleyball captain, yesterday. And when you told her you forgot about it, that's when the situation you were stuck in, happened.

"H-How did you lose it?" She questions a bit softly. You replied, "I was helping out the team, and so I left the letter inside my notepad where I usually keep their scores in track—then that's where I lost it."

Lilia sighed a hundredth time. "Oh well, it's fine. I'll just tell my friend that I was the one who lost it. It's not much of a big deal, anyways," she says, standing up from the chair behind you before she walked out of the classroom door.

You slowly dropped your chopsticks and sighed as well, feeling a bit upset since Lilia depended on you to give that to Kuroo, but you had decided to lose it, instead. It was very loud inside your room, but you felt like there was no one in the classroom at all. Just yourself, ignoring every single noise there is.

When you finished your lunch, you decided to head straight to the girl's bathroom to wash your face. And probably your hands, too.

You carefully walked outside the noisy classroom and headed towards the restroom to do your business. However, as you were washing your hands, you can hear the girl's murmurs beside you, their hands covering their mouths as they leaned in to whisper to their friend beside them, staring right at you.

"Hey, isn't that the girl that Lilia was talking about, earlier?"

"What's her name, again?"

"L/n F/n. She's from the same class as Lilia-San."

"Oh her?"

"Yeah, Lilia always talks to her, somehow..."

"She's lucky that Lilia talks to her."

You only chose to ignore those comments about you. They didn't know about Lilia's true nature, huh? Good luck to them.

You quickly, but quietly, walked outside the restroom to head back to your class, until someone tapped behind your back. You turned around and saw a group of three guys sending you small glares, but the one in front was sending you a very deadly one, although it didn't scare you one bit. "Yes, is there anything you need?" You questioned.

you're perfect!!  |  nekoma x readerWhere stories live. Discover now