Say Amen

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Trigger Warnings: mention of religion, food, anxiety, talks about upcoming thunderstorms

"In short, that's why I think the God Catholics and Christians worship is a women," Remus concluded then took a large bite from his burger.

"Interesting theory Remus," Janus said after sipping his drink.

"I didn't really understand it, but I'm glad you feel so passionately about it," Virgil munched on his large order of fries while smiling at his friends.

"Thanks Virgie. Hay Janus, since we're both in Mrs. Anderson's Geology class do you know why she gave us a sh- crap! -ton of homework yesterday?" Remus took out the straw of his drink since he was trying to eat the ice and didn't appreciate being stabbed in the eye.

"Well Remus, Mrs. Anderson's wife just had their baby late last night so she's taking today and tomorrow off to visit with them. The homework is meant to keep us busy during classes so we won't try to overthrow the substitute. Whatever isn't completed in class will be homework for Friday," Janus answered.

"Ohhhhhh! That makes so much sense now! I'm glad for the Andersons. They always said they wanted a baby. Say Virgie, anything happen in AP Astronomy?" Remus looked over at Virgil.

"Not really. Mr. Greyson did have me take some papers to the office though. And I accidentally ran into someone on my way back. His name was Logan and he's in my class," said Virgil.

"Neat. You didn't have an attack?" Janus raised an eyebrow, a slight protectiveness to his words.

"No, it wasn't a bad run in. I just bumped into him and fell, he only stumbled a bit. We were both fine and returned to class though he did ask about my flower crown," assured Virgil while patting the fake flowers on his head. Though he failed to mention his run in with Chris after class, as always.

"Good," Janus seemed to be content with that answer.

"We should probably be getting back to school before the bottom of the sky falls out," Remus said while looking out the window.

The other two looked over and saw dark, bluish-grey clouds moving in with the wind blowing fiercely against the window, blowing leaves, trash bags, ribbons, and other miscellaneous trash items. Virgil felt his gut clench at the thought of a thunderstorm. He like rain, don't get him wrong, but thunderstorms just gave him so much anxiety it almost made him sick. There were so many things that could go wrong during big storms; power outages, flooding, houses burning, hurricanes, typhoons, the list could go on. He also despised the lightening that made his heart rate pick up every time and the thunder that never failed to make him jump or squeak. In short Virgil doesn't like thunderstorms.

"Y-yeah. L-let's go," they all stood up and grabbed their bags, Janus placing his hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"Just remember, if it gets too much give your note to the teacher and go to the councilor's office and wait there," Jay said and gave Virgil's shoulder a squeeze. Virgil gave him a warm smile then they all headed out of the restaurant, combatting the wind as the trekked back to school. About half way through the trip Virgil had to take off his flower crown because it wanted to keep trying to fly away. They made it to school with fifteen minutes to spare, all heading to the library where they stayed for sevenish minutes before heading off to class.

Virgil's next class was English IIII which was a relaxed class. They would just be discussing the book they were assigned, "Beowulf" with small groups then discuss with the class. English was a nice class even if the rain started, pounding drops hitting the glass windows loudly, but barely any other noise coming from the storm.

It was Enriched Politics were all hell broke lose.

Now this is ranked #22 in analogical!

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