Would You Be So Kind

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Trigger Warnings: secrets, lying, self-deprecation, shameless flirting?, one swear word

"Don't tell Remus or Janus!" Virgil blurted out, Logan's eyes widening behind his glasses.

"Why?" he asked skeptically.

"T-they'll think something bad happened when it was just an accident," the lie rolled off Virgil's tongue with ease, but left a sour taste in his mouth. "I work at an animal shelter so there are some big dogs there. Today I went in to help out and one of them, a bull massive named Peggy, really wanted a hug, but she accidentally hit her head on my eye. Remus and Janus will think someone did this when it was just a really excited and lovable doggo."

"I see. As long as no one is injuring you on purpose," said Logan.

"Oh no! Of course not! Why would anyone want to do that?" said Virgil, nervously fiddling with his jacket's hem.

"Indeed. You don't have any other injuries right? None you're trying to hide?" Logan looked Virgil up and down with his eyes having, released his wrist. Virgil twitched before shaking his head.

"N-no. None what so ever,"

"Are you certain?" Logan pressed, Virgil starting to feel uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going.

"Logan stop," Virgil muttered, looking at the floor.

"I'm just trying to make sure you're satisfactory and not hiding anything," defended Logan.

"Logan stop. Please," Virgil said, more forcefully and fiercely than he meant to.

There was a small beat of silence, Logan seeming too shocked to say anything. Virgil rubbed his arm nervously before breaking the silence.

"I'm gonna go get the paints now," he hurried out of the living room up the stairs, an icy feeling in his stomach because of all the lies he just uttered and the way he spoke to Logan. Though it's not like Logan would care, they barely even knew each other. Virgil was probably just annoying him and made him angry with the raise of his voice.

The pastel boy entered his room and hurried into his bathroom, grabbing the case of nail polish, some stencils, and two small makeup sponges. He then hurried back down to Logan, setting his tools down in front of him.

"Hand," Virgil ordered, holding out his palm.

Logan extended his right hand and placed it into Virgil's, the size difference almost humorous with Virgil's small, delicate little pale hand holding Logan's much larger and slightly darker one.

"What do you want," Virgil asked bluntly, opening up his kit to reveal the neatly organized collection of nail polish in a color coordinated arrangement.

"Galaxy if you will," answered Logan.


Virgil, having taken into account Logan's punk atheistic, grabbed the black nail polish and gave every finger a starter coat. While waiting for them to dry Virgil pressed play on the movie, action sequences starting up once again followed by barking from Bolt.

"I apologize for earlier Virgil. I didn't mean to press," Logan spoke up, Virgil glancing up at him.

"It's fine,"

Coco Bean [Sanders Sides Analogical AU]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon