Chapter 24

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1.5 months later

Betty POV

The past 2 months have been a rollercoaster. First, Jayden struggled getting used to Adalyn being around. He liked her for about a week but then he realized she was here to stay, and that started weeks of tantrums and fits that we weren't prepared for. And between Jaydens fits and Adalyn's constant crying, Jug and I were getting no sleep or personal time. I don't even remember the last time we had a conversation that wasn't about the kids schedules. Not that I don't love them, because I do; so much, more than anything in this world. But, I just wish we could talk about something else sometimes and have time just the two of us. Jug also went back to work 3 weeks ago so who knows when we'll have a minute to ourselves. My thoughts were interrupted my a crying toddler.

"I'll get him" Jug said sleepily

"It's fine, I got it. I'm already awake" I sighed getting out of bed and walking into Jaydens room. I saw him laying in his toddler bed that we transitioned him into right before Addy was born. He doesn't get out until we get him though because we taught him not to.

"Mama!" he said excitedly and ran into my arms

"hey buddy" I said and kissed his cheek "Want to go eat?" I asked him and he nodded. I placed him back down and we went into the kitchen. I sat him on the counter and he smiled. "Do you want eggs?"



"No" he said and I sighed

"do you want a muffin?"



"no" he said again, and I could feel myself getting aggravated. It probably was because of the lack of sleep or having a stubborn toddler but either way, I was getting frustrated.


"mmm.....yes!" he said and I let out a breath of relief. I put him in his table booster seat and put blueberries and toast in front of him. I put food and water in Cookies bowls and let her eat. Just then, Addy started crying. I sighed and went to get her. I changed her diaper then went back to the table with her. I pulled my shirt down and started feeding her.

In the middle of her eating, Jayden decided to start throwing his blueberries all over the place.

"Jayden, please stop throwing your food" I said and he looked right at me before throwing another. "Jayden." I said sternly and he looked at me "do not throw your food" I told him and stopped. Adalyn finally finished so I started burping her, Jayden took this opportunity to throw his food again-this time at me and Addy. "Jayden!" I yelled and he looked at me and started screaming and crying.

Shortly after, Adalyn started crying too- probably because she could feel how tense I was. I tried to console both of them but my mind just went blank, I couldn't think of what to do or what calms either of them. I felt the tears stinging my eyes when I saw Jug walk into the kitchen. He looked concerned and confused. I just stood up and gave him Addy and walked into our room. As soon as I shut and locked the door- I broke down and fell to the floor.

After a few minutes, I didn't hear anyone crying so I assumed Jug got them to stop crying. Then, someone tried to open the door but couldn't since I locked it.

"Betts?" he asked and knock "Can you open the door?" he questioned and I cried harder. "Baby, please" he begged but I just sat there crying. I heard him call someone and then I heard the front door close. 'Great. He left me. He realized I'm an awful mom and wife and left.' I thought to myself before crying even harder if possible. I tried to convince myself he didn't actually leave but when I went into the entryway, all of their coats and shoes were gone, Addy's carseat wasn't here, and the diaper bag was gone. I went to the couch and just fell onto it and cried even harder.

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