Chapter 28

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Betty POV

I woke up around 3 am to Paisley crying. I went and grabbed her wondering what was wrong. She always slept through the night so I was genuinely confused. She kept trying to bite my finger and thats when it clicked.

She was getting her first tooth.

I grabbed one of the teethers we had and brought her to bed with me. I put pillows on the end and laid her next to me. Eventually, we both fell asleep. I woke up again around 7 to a baby crawling all over me crying.

"Hey baby" I said sleepily as I sat her on my stomach, still crying. "I know it hurts baby" I said giving her my finger to chew on. She was more than satisfied with that. But then she got hungry, so I sat up and pulled my shirt down. As she was eating I went on my phone.

No messages from Jughead.

One hour later...

I decided to just get ready for the day as normal- even though I was missing Jayden, Adalyn, and Jug and Paisley was missing all of them too. Since it was Saturday, I put on my long sleeved grey pajama top with the matching shorts and put Paisley in baby pajamas that was white with oranges on it.

I was sitting on the couch while Paisley was playing with some toys when the door opened.

"daddy, where mommy?" I heard Addy ask

"I dont know if mommy is awake, bug" he responded to her as they walked closer to the living room.

"mama!" Addy and Jayden yelled at the same time once they say me. They ran to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Hi guys, I missed you so much" I said with tears in my eyes since I wanted- no needed- to say that to someone else too. I glanced over to see Jug holding Paisley. "I love you both, so much" I told them as we pulled away from the hug, some tears falling because I finally realized how hurt I actually was that Jughead left.

"mama, okay?" Addy asked with a questioning face

"mommy, why you crying?" Jayden asked and that got Jugs attention. I quickly wiped the tears away and plastered a fake smile on my face.

"mommys okay." I quickly responded. "Did you guys eat breakfast?" i asked them

"daddy got us Pops!" jayden said excitedly and I smiled at that.

"Well, I am going to go do something in my room. Be good." I told both of them and quickly went to my room. I sat on my bed, playing with my wedding rings letting the tears out. Suddenly, a knock fills the room.

"Betty? You good?" he asked, concern laced in his voice.

"yup, never been better" I choked out through the tears when the door suddenly opened revealing a concerned and worried Jughead. I wiped away the tears looked away from him.

"Why are you crying?" he asked stepping into the room. I chose not to answer this question in particular. "Are you seriously ignoring me?" he asked, clearly annoyed "last I checked, you were the one being rude and insulting me not the other way around. So I don't know what your problem is but-" he started but I cut him off.....again.

"I'm fucking hurt, Jughead!" I yelled before taking a breath. "I know I hurt you and thats why I chose to give you space and leave the bar. Then when you left to bring them clothes, I was going to make it up to you. I ordered all your favorites from Pops and set it up with our favorite cuddle blankets and clothes and you never came back. You just left and didn't come back. Not even bothering to text or leave a note saying that you're staying there. Just...nothing. And when I texted you the normal 'goodnight, i love you' you just, didn't respond." I said and finally looked at him "you broke the promise. We promised to say 'I love you' every night before bed and you didn't." I told him and wiped my tears away. "But Jug, I'm so sorry that I said that. I didn't mean it at all. You're an amazing husband and dad and I'm so sorry." I said letting some of the tears escape. "I didn't mean it at all. I know work can make you forget about other responsibilities and I should've let you finish before assuming you wanted me to give something up. I really am so fucking sorry and I will do whatever it takes to make it up to-" I rambled before he cut me off by kissing me. I melted into the kiss immediately. We pulled away once we both needed air and hugged.

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