A lonely Angel

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I failed, I completely failed. I let that devil beat me while trying to follow the rules. It's a shame, but at least Andrew learned his lesson after his sister got injured. I am not a babysitter, there was no way I was about to save her from Andrew's mistake.

I guess Sulfus was surprised that I didn't bother looking after that baby, but he just laughed and didn't say much. When I came back, Raf was waiting for me with her friend, whose name is on the tip of my feathers, buut not quite.

That night, I had a nightmare, that I was cast away completely, because I had failed and was dubbed unfit to ever be an angel. Kilin abandoned me, and Raf, the kindest angel I know, looked at me with scorn. I mustn't fail again.

I have to take Sulfus down.

I put on a single, black glove that matched my outfit well. I know black isn't seen as a very angelic color, but I like it. Sure, it gives me trouble, but it's just a color... Color does matter to some people. Maybe it's because I've been shunned already, that it doesn't matter to me anymore, well, whatever.

I make my way to the hall where the devil's classroom is located and I wait for the bell with Kilin at my side. All I can really do is look out the window, and pretend that I'm doing something that's worth it.

Raf is the only Angel I've ever really talked to, but she's not around at the moment.

After a bit, I saw the devil I was looking for and stood in front of him.

"Well, if it isn't my devious devil. Didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?" I hissed, folding my arms.

"I really didn't, my devilish angel. I enjoy seeing you lose, and I want to see how you get when you're angry." He smirked, adjusting the glove on his hand.

"Good luck with that, Sulfus. It takes a lot to rile me up." I lifted my feet off the ground and put my hands on my hips. "Today, you're gonna learn what this 'devilish Angel' is capable of."

"Oh yeah?" He said, flying up to be eye level with me. "Let's see it then, Elos."

We leave the school building to find our human, which wasn't that difficult. His friend got pushed into a fountain, and for obvious reasons, he didn't want to help the boy out. It was understandable, but that doesn't mean it's right.

"Looks like I won't have to do anything at all." Sulfus chuckled and laid back in the air. "I won before the fight even started."

I click my teeth. "As if. Challenge room. Now."

"Okay, okay. Such a demanding angel. I'll take you to my house." He chuckled again, and since it was his turn to pick the challenge, he left first.

I didn't know what to expect at first, but when I saw it, I just knew that it was like him. He recreated the Devil City in the challenge room. Unbelievable.

"Are you serious? How original." I sighed.

"I told you I'd take you to my house."

"This place is almost as ugly as you." I rolled my eyes, trying to block out the sulfur smell.

Sulfus laughed, "You're so clever with words."

"Yeah, yeah. We aren't here to talk, are we, little devil."

"Okay angel, the time for talk is over. let's see how good you are with your wings. All you have to do is get by me."

I raise an eyebrow. "That's it? You know I'm faster than you."

"We'll see about that." He took off, in any random direction, so naturally, I followed him, I wanted to see what he was up to, so I kept my distance until I saw a huge dragon in my way.

"Hey! You can't change the rules!"

"I just want to see how fast that dragon can tear you into pieces!" He laughed.

"Not for long. Mist fly!" A cloud of dark mist overed the area like a thick cloud of smoke. It was all I needed to get away from the dragon and pass Sulfus. "I can't believe you thought a dragon would stop me."

"W-wha- how!?" He looked genuinely surprised, which was actually kind of cute.

"Dragons can't hurt me if they can't see me, duh. And you can't keep an eye on something you can't see either." I giggled then waved. "See ya later with Andrew, this is my win, devious devil!"

Sulfus laughed and folded his arms. "Fine! Bye, angel."

A True Devilish Angel, Maybe Angelic Devil (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now