Tournament of Light and Dark

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The days have passed and suddenly we're all invited to the challenge room to be told of the tournament of Light and Darkness. As if I didn't have enough things to worry about, there's a tournament where I have to fight the devil I....


Well, in any case, we have to participate in the tournament. We've been given some time to prepare, and Urie is back after being sick for so long, thank the stars for that. Raf nearly jumped off her wings when she saw her best friend.... She didn't even notice me. But it's not about me, Urie is okay, that's what's important.

I keep getting side tracked by all these new things I've been feeling. Back in Angie Town, I didn't have friends, let alone like anybody, they mostly treated me as if I didn't exist. There is a prejudice among angels, it's just not as obvious as it is when mortals do it. Neglect is hard to deal with. Especially when you're barely alive to begin with.

In Angie Town, it was just me, Killin, and the angel social worker, who doubled as my guardian, that was all. No friends. No family. Just me and my griffin friend, and a woman who was paid to look after me, a kind lady might I add.

Everyone else stared from a distance, not bothering to talk to me. Maybe if I had talked to them first it would've been different, but Angel's always had this kind of undertone when speaking to me, like they were saying one thing, but really meant another.

So now, I have all this attention, I have friends, I have.... Whatever Sulfus is to me... And I don't know how to handle it. I'm supposed to be preparing for the tournament, but I can't even sort myself out right now, feels like my Halo's gonna burst!

I'm avoiding Gabriel like I've never avoided anyone before. He's been sticking to me like Killin to fried chicken. To be fair, fried chicken is actually delicious, though maybe a tad unhealthy for an angel... Oh well.

All the Angel's came to my room for some reason, but I managed to sneak out of my window. I want to be alone with my thoughts, which is scary, but necessary.

I fly aimlessly through the clear sky's until I decided to settle on the beach, just listening to the waves and thinking about what the halo I'm gonna do about my feelings and my problems.

"I want to go somewhere, but I can hardly go anywhere without that loser angel following me around..."

"Is this 'loser Angel' you happen to be talking about, me?" Gabriel spoke out if nowhere, which only made me more upset.

"...When are you going to learn to leave me be. I just want to be alone, can't you give me that peace!?"

Gabriel sits next to me, uncomfortably close actually.

I try to move away, but he just keeps coming closer, eventually I just get so irritated I stand and yell at him, "GO AWAY! All you're doing is making me so uncomfortable and getting on my nerves, just go!"

"Elos! Are you okay? What did he do to you?"

The voice made my head snap in the direction of the devil who holds my heart, and I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

"S-sorry... I... I just-"

"What are you doing here, Sulfus." Gabriel cut me off, getting out of the sand and glaring at the devil.

"It doesn't matter. What did you do to to her? She never yells like that." He started to walk over to us, but his guardian devil stopped him.

"Just where do you think you're going, Sulfus?" She gripped his shoulder, I can see the the creases in his shirt, so I know she's holding him pretty tight.

"None of your business, let go of me!"

I can't deal with any of this right now, my peace is ruined and now I have to watch another devil with the one that's mine, this is ridiculous!

"I'm... Going to rest."

I didn't wait for them and just took flight back to the school.

I guess to prepare, I should learn to keep my mouth shut.

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