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I met her at the park, it was rainy day.

She's alone and everyone's avoiding her.

She caught my attention so I suddenly opened my umbrella and lend it to her.

I saw how she lift her head and looked at me.

I knew that she's blind so I helped her.

"Leave me alone,"she said.

"I won't," I said.

"Everyone's hated me, so you should too. I hate myself too.."her voice cracks as she uttered that words.

"I won't leave you," I sincerely said.

And that day we became closer and closer.

I'm always there for her.

I guide her.

I keep her.

I treasure her.

Also.. I love her.

Until one day we became official, she's now mine, my girlfriend and my world.

"If I could only see the world, I would marry you, "she whispered while we're here under the moon.

"How I wish.." I kissed her forehead and hold her hands tighter.

"I love you," I said.

Day by day I became more protective.

I fought my love to her because everyone is against to our relationship.

We argue.

We fight.

We stand together.

Until one day she already had a eye donor. We are so happy that when we found out the good news because finally I can marry the girl I love the most.

I remember the day words she said when we are under the moon..

"If I could only see the world, I would marry you"

I immediately drove my car to buy some ring to her before her operation. But the faith was playful.

"Marry me.."I said excitedly.

"The fuck? You're not my boyfriend, who the hell are you?!"she hissed.

"Hey it—"

"Leave! You're not him!"

"Mom!  I don't want him here."

I smiled bitterly while walked away in tears.

"That blind man is getting to my nerves, damn it."

The last words I heard before the door closed
Yes I am now blind. Because when I planned to buy a ring for her, the car I was riding in—crashed.

This is how human behaviour changes when the status changes. Only few remember what life was before, and who’s always been there even in the most painful situations
Open for criticisms || Inspired || Visit my TL for more stories.

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