You have a nightmare

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Richtofen was up pretty late that night, reading about some medicine and how to make them. Couple minutes later you came up to him and asked you to hold him. He was however startled because you were never this up late, nevertheless he still held you. He asked what happened and you said you had a nightmare. Lately he'd been more distant but he didn't mean to be, he took full responsibility because he wasn't there to support you. Finally he picked you up and took you back to bed, he promised that nothing was going to happen and he'll always be there. He said that he loved you and that he'll be around more, he hummed a little tune and what surprised him is that you actually fell asleep.


He immediately noticed and turned to you, he gently woke you up and made sure you were alright. He made sure to be careful cause he didn't want to spook you, once you calmed down you looked at Nikolai and hugged him, saying that you were sorry and you didn't deserve him, him being him, he shushed you and took you lovingly into his arms. He laid down with you and held you close, he didn't need you to explain what happened because it was already stressing you out. He understood and talked to you about your favorite times together and what you both plan on doing in the future, he's the best person to be around.


He always held you when you both were sleeping, even if it's to hot he'll come through and just latch onto you like a moth to a light. You don't mind but it's a little hard to move. One night while he was holding you, he knew something was up and immediately took notice, he laid there just a little while longer to see what would happen. Once he seen that stray tear make its way down your face, not even a second later he woke you up and pulled you closer. You both been through difficult times but it seemed like you had more problems at the moments. He was there to hold you, you turned and held him like no tomorrow. He told you everything was fine and ran his fingers through your hair, eventually you fell asleep again, this time there was nothing to worry about.


Your body language is what truly speaks about you, it's like he can read you like a book. He was cleaning his katana while you were taking a nap on the couch. He ,of course, couldn't concentrate due to you tossing and turning. Carefully he crawled over to where you were laying and very softly call your name while putting a hand on your shoulder. Sometimes you scared him, especially when you had a nightmare. When you woke up you rolled over and hugged his shoulders. He asked what happened while drawing little shapes on your back and playing with your hair, you told him all about the horrible dream you had. He slowly laid down by you on the sofa, while telling you that he's there to talk to him.

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