Chapter 11

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Wyatt's POV:

Today is Saturday and Monday is the first day of school; I'm not excited. School is really boring and I know a lot of what they teach so I mess around. Today is also my tournament and I'm really excited. My whole family is coming, but what's even better is that this really good team that plays all over the country and in Europe. The coach is going to be scouting for good players. My family doesn't know because I want it to be a surprise if I get scouted.

The tournament starts at 12 and it 10 right now. We came to abuelo and abuela's house for breakfast.

"How many games are you guys playing" Xander asked and I shrugged

"Didn't your coach tell you" Dad asked

"Yeah but I wasn't paying attention"

"Do you know the formation at least" Dante asked

"No he's gonna tell us when we get there, he said to be there an hour early to go over it"

"Why didn't you say that before we should start leaving now if we wanna get there on time" Daddy asked and I shrugged again

"Go grab your water and Gatorade from the fridge then come to the car" Dad said and I ran to the kitchen

I ended up bumping into abuelo

"Jesus how many times have we said no running in the house Wy" he asked and I smiled sheepishly

"Sorry abuelo I forgot" he flicked my forehead

"It's okay just be careful I don't want you getting hurt" I rubbed my forehead and nodded

After I put my stuff in my bag I ran to the car and sat in my car seat

"Wy you're sitting in the middle the Twins are riding with us" Daddy said

"Ugh no I like sitting by the window" I whined

"Hey I already told you no whining" dad said firm and I frowned

We're now like 40 minutes into the drive and im already over it.

"Can you guys shut up or sit next to each other next time"

"Wyatt don't be rude" daddy warned

"No they're so annoying! All they do is talk about girls. If they were sitting next to each other I wouldn't care but noooooo they decided to sit on both sides and talk over me" I say while throwing my hands in the air

"I'm serious Wyatt watch your attitude before I have Oscar turn this car around. If there's an issue you could've told us or asked them nicely. I know they're annoying I lived with them for like 16 years but know your place" He said sternly and I stared at my feet

"And you two stop talking about that shit around my kid" he told the twins and they nodded

We arrived shortly and I ran out onto the field to meet my team.

"Hey twat" Kelly teased

"Fuck off he just got here" Travis said

We stretched then coach started talking

"Okay so today we're going to play with only one striker. That'll be Wyatt because I know he can hold his own and deliver lots of goals" he said and they all glared at me

4 hours later

We played 3 games and won all of them winning us the tournament. I scored the most and my family cheered me on the whole time. We all got trophies but I got the biggest since I scored the most. The other guys were really mad but I was way too happy to worry about them.

I'm sitting on the sidelines with the team talking to Travis when coach calls us over.

"Wyatt and Travis this is Coach Liam and his team. He coaches the travel team that plays here and in Europe"

"Hi nice to meet you" I whisper

"Hey" Travis says

"Trust me the pleasure is all mine. You two were really amazing out there, you're quite the prodigy. After talking with Ben i think you guys would make a great additions to my team. You both need a more challenging and competitive team if you want to improve and all the boys on the team would be more than happy to have you" I was beaming with excitement

"Really I'd love to"

"That's great give this to your parents and have them call me. We practice Monday Wednesday and Friday from 5-7. We give school notes and you can be accompanied by any adult your parents allow when we travel. I'll give you a chance to talk to the boys"

"Sorry I can't this is way too expensive" Travis said

"That's fine my parents will pay for him"

"No way Wyatt that's a lot of money"

"They won't care trust me"

"So it's settled take these, my contact is on the form have your parents call or email me.
then he left

"You were really fucking good we're gonna slaughter the other teams with you playing" a kid with black hair spoke

"Honestly I cant wait to practice with you" a blonde kid added

"Yeah im really excited to play and you guys are way nicer than my current team"

"Yeah we heard what they were saying, they're asses"

"Yeah I would've punched them, I have no idea how you deal with them"

"Yeah I just ignore them, I just play them go home. Travis is cool though"

They introduced themselves and then I went to my family to tell them the news



Thanks for reading


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