Chapter 54

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Wyatt's POV:

"I didn't do anything...unreasonable" I whispered the last part

"I'm not gonna ask again"

"Okay Jesse, the guys, and I got detention cause Jesse called the dean a hard ass. I told him I couldn't make it cause I had to watch my sister. He was a dick about it but agreed to let Noelle sit in detention with me"

"You 5 stay in trouble" uncle Alessio said

"I picked up Noelle and we went to detention. She sat in the seat beside me and I gave her my phone so she wouldn't be bored. He told everyone to put their phones in a bin. He called me out and I told him I wasn't gonna take it from Noelle because it's enough she had to sit in detention for 2 hours. He threw a bitch fit and snatched my phone from Noelle's hand and threw it in the trash. Noles ran to grab it from the trash and he grabbed her arm really hard. Show them"

I turned to Noelle and she pulled up her sleeve

I could tell they were fuming

"I lost my temper but Jesse told me not to in front of Noelle so I sent her to the hallway e si è rotto il ginocchio"

And broke his knee

I said it in Italian so Noelle wouldn't catch on

"Hey baby go get your room ready for your sleepover with the girls"

"Okay dad"

"When did you plan on telling me" dad asked

"Well in all honesty I wasn't planning to"

"Wyatt when shit like that happens you have to fucking tell one of us" Ace cursed

"I didn't think I had to since I dealt with it"

"No you assaulted your teacher we have to go in now and make it not exist" Matteo said

"Okay I'm sorry but I don't regret what I did. I will never let anyone hurt my baby sister"

"We don't give a flying fuck that you broke his knee. If it was anyone of us we would've done worse. Our issue is that you don't let us know. You can get arrested is that what you fucking want" Abuelo said

"No I don't Im sorry"

"Now go do homework or something"

"I don't have homework" he raised his brow at me

"I'm planning on visiting your school soon"

"Oh shoot I forgot I still have 4 assignments to complete" I laughed nervously

"You weren't going to complete 4 assignments" uncle Lorenzo asked

"Well there are 6 but I don't need to do homework to pass it's only 10-20% Im more than satisfied with an 80-90 all across the board" I shrugged

"Should I tell Oscar your logic" dad threatened

"Please don't I'll do my homework"

"Oscar scares you more than Vince" Xavier asked

"Yeah when it comes to school. He's so strict about it. My teacher complained about my handwriting and he make me hand write essays and if they were sloppy he'd rip them and make me start again. If I fool around in class he yells for ages and pulls my ear really hard. He made me write my teacher an apology essay after he spanked me over something stupid. I was 13" I explained

"Him and his friends played smash or pass teachers edition. He said he'd pass on his geography teacher because and I quote 'her tits touch her ankle' he sits in the front and got suspended" dad explain

"That's besides the point"

"Homework now" he sighed and went to my room

Hours later

I finished all my homework but one. It was a research paper and the teacher specifically said it can't be something inappropriate so I chose to research the benefits of masturbation. I'm even adding a how to for males and females. I have this class with Jesse and he topic is about different ways to consume alcohol. We already prepared to get kicked out of class and a call home.

My room was really hot so I was only in my underwear. I decided I was thirsty so I went to grab something to drink. I ended up bumping into daddy

"He dad it's been a while" his hands were bruised

"Hey Wy sorry I haven't been around much"

"Are you and dad getting divorced"

"What no why would you ask that"

"Because all you guys fucking do is fight. Whenever you are home you guys just argue because you're fucking selfish. All you care about is fighting. I know you aren't working, no game designers has bruises like that. Why are you avoiding us do you not want us" I cursed

"It's not like that Wyatt. I love you guys with all my being. I'm not avoiding you or Marcy yeah we argue but at the end of the day we still love each other. Plus I love making up with him he's so rough" he smirked

"Jesus Christ no kid wants to here that" I covered my ears and he laughed

"I'll be home more often, you're right I am being selfish and I'm gonna work on that"

"Why do you Street fight"

"My parents were awful people you know this already, but they took a lot away from me. I'm not going to get into it but I fight because that's it's the only way I can release emotions"

"You can play instruments you're so good"

"I'm not strong enough to do that consistently. Playing is a constant reminder of what they took from me. Fighting is a reminder of what they couldn't take from me. Sorry if that's really cryptic but emotions annoy me so I'd rather not pay any mind to my feelings"

"What did you lose"

"Nothing you need to worry yourself about" then he walked away

I frowned at his response I wish he'd open up to someone. I've heard their arguments, it's always about how guarded he keeps himself.

I decided to follow him

"Please tell me what they took. Maybe I can give it to you"

"Wyatt you make me beyond happy. You, Marcy, and Noelle are my family. I never had a real family and you already give me that. Seeing you two dream fills me with joy because my dreams were crushed except for one"

"What was it"

"I dreamed of leaving Sweden and finding someone to love and having a loving family. I got that and I couldn't be happier. I like fighting that's all I had when I got here so when life fucks with me I fight. I'm sorry if I worry you and you have my word that I'm over it. Understand I'm not going anywhere and that I love you three" I smiled and hugged him


Do you like his logic with school?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 😕

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