Chapter 13

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Wyatt's POV:

I woke up at 8:00pm and went back to sleep cause it's way too early

Now it's 1:00pm so I brush my teeth and change into shorts and a tshirt. I grab my ball and run downstairs towards the back door.

"Stay inside today it's raining" Dad says

"But I game only stops if there's thunder and lightning"

"I'm serious I don't want you getting sick" I groan and drag my feet to the kitchen

Everyone is in the Kitchen talking

"Dad I'm bored" I whine

"Then read a book"

I started laughing uncontrollably and everyone just stared at me

"Oh you're serious. Silly goose I don't read on my free time" that made abuela and tia Kora laugh

"Buddy why don't you go watch TV" Tio Matteo asked

"Fine but when I become a couch potato it'll be your fault" then I ran off and they laughed

I didn't wanna watch tv so I decided to go to the gym downstairs. I grabbed my ball and sprinted to the basement

I stretched then did sit ups with 25lbs weights on my chest and push ups. Then hopped on the treadmill and ran 5 miles. Afterwards I lowered the speed and started running with my ball. I started spinning and doing what little tricks I could do with the ball on the treadmill. I increased the speed and started sprinting with the ball. My workout was really peaceful until it wasn't

"WYATT" I tripped and went flying into the mirror

"Ow" It hurt a lot and I started crying

"Shhhh shhhh don't cry" Alessio was trying to calm me down

"DAAAAADDDDD" I screamed

"No stop I'll buy you candy if you stop cry"

"DAAAADDDDDYYYY" he covered my mouth

"I'll do and buy you anything you want I promise please stop crying

I shook my head "I WANT MY DAAAADDDDSSS"

"Why is he crying" Dad yelled and I held up my arms

"Nothing I called his name and he got scared and flew off the treadmill. I tried to call him down and he freaked out" Alessio explained

"Fucking hell Alessio he's 8 of course he freaked out he flew across the room. I'm not mad just be more careful next time okay"

"Yeah I will sorry Wy" I sniffled and nodded

Dad carried me upstairs to the kitchen and set me on the counter

"Aw what happened baby" abuela asked and I shrugged

"He fell off the treadmill" Dad answered

"Why were you in the gym by yourself" Daddy asked with his arms crossed

"I didn't want to watch tv and you guys wouldn't let me go out so I went to the gym to workout and practice. I thought it was okay"

"Don't lie Wyatt, if you really though it was okay you would've asked"

"I'm not lying"

"Wy you have to walk pass us to get to the basement you're normally as loud as an elephant which leads me to assume you snuck downstairs. Am I wrong" Abuelo narrowed his eyes at me

"No" I whispered

"That was really dangerous Wyatt. I don't want you down there without an adult present okay" I nodded

"No more lying either. Now I want you to go grab a book and sit at the bottom of the stairs and read" Daddy said

"Ugh what for how long"

"Only 3 chapters"

"That's so many! Isn't me falling punishment enough" the all said no at the same time

I sighed hopping off the counter to grab a book. I chose dr. Dolittle and sat at the bottom of the staircase

I could hear how hard it was raining coming down hard. Then I saw lightning flash across the sky and a loud roar of thunder followed

I jumped and couldn't stop shaking. I hate storms they're awful that's when I lost her

I heard another roar and I covered my eyes and shut my eyes. I felt the tears running down my face


"No deja" I yelled at the men surrounding mami

No stop

"Cállate niño" one guy yelled

Shut up kid

"Por favor puedes hacer lo que quieras conmigo, solo déjalo ir" my mom begged

please you can do whatever you want with me, just let him go

"Está bien, deja al niño y no vuelvas. cuidaremos de tu mami"

okay leave kid and don't come back. we'll take care of your mommy

I stared at my mom

"Está bien Wyatt, vete, estaré bien. solo recuerda que te amo mucho. más de lo que puedas imaginar. Siempre estaré contigo incluso cuando sienta que no lo estoy. corre junto a mi pequeño futbolista" she said crying and I didn't understand what she meant until she was gone

it's okay Wyatt go, I'll be fine. just remember I love you so much. more than you could ever imagine. I'll always be with you even when it feels like I'm not. run along my little soccer player

"Yo también te amo mami. Te prometo que me verás desde las gradas cuando sea profesional"

I love you too mommy. I promise you'll see me from the stands when I play professional

"cállate y vete antes de que cambie de opinión" another guy barked and I ran out

shut up and leave before I change my mind

Since it was stormy no one was out. I kept running and running knocking on doors but no one answered

I finally saw some kids around like 15 and I ran to them

"por favor, ayúdame! llama a la policía"

Please help me, call the police

"Porque" they asked


"Mi mamá está en peligro"

My mom is in danger

They pulled out their phone and called for help

When the police came I showed them my house and they ran inside. I was so happy she was safe now


That sound change my life forever

End flashback


Man I was tearing up writing this


Thanks for reading

Mwah 😖

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