Chapter 25

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Oscar's POV:

We all sat down in the conference room

"Why did you kill my son"Mrs Perez shouted

Wyatt didn't answer just looked at the moon

"She asked you a question and you better answer or I-" I interrupted

"Or what old man. Threaten my kid again and I'll kill you with my bare hands" I said calmly

"Wyatt why did you shoot him" Oliver asked nicely

"Because he deserved it"

"What did he do to deserve it"

"He raped and killed my mom" my heart broke that's why he was so tense and aggressive

"She was probably a whore. I swear people love to play the victim"

"That's not true it's because she didn't want to date him. He told us, then he threatened to kill us all and rape Jesse. He said that Bella gave him permission to" Flynn yelled


"You coward laying a hand on a women"

"Your son touched your granddaughter" I deadpanned

"Who's playing the victim now" lance sighed

"There's no proof of this" his mom yelled

"Wyatt has the letter and photo album Alejandro sent him the other day" Emmet said

"What he sent you things" I asked and he didn't answer

"He's in shock still maybe we should reconvene at a later date" Maddox suggested

"I agree a first kill is always hard" Declan said

"No he murder my son"

"But he clearly had it coming there's no reason to continue traumatizing the boy" Oliver argues

"Until then you'll all enjoy my basement" he smirked and guards grabbed them

"Let's go Wy" he didn't react

At the house

It's been really quiet. Wyatt hasn't made a sound

"Hey Wy can we see that letter and book he sent you" I asked and he just got up and got it

The pictures were so cute, wy looked so happy. Then I turned the last page and we all gasped

"Fucking prick" Charlotte said

Then I read aloud the note. Marcy covered his ears and everyone was fuming.

"Can you take me to a church" that caught me off guard

"You're religious" I asked

He dug in his shirt and showed a cross necklace he wore

"I'm Roman Catholic" he whispered

"We'll take you tomorrow you need to rest" I told him

"No I need a church. Just take me or I'll find one myself" he didn't make eye contact once


"Please I need to go to a church right now" his voice cracked

"Let's go" I sighed in defeat

He went upstairs and grabbed something then we made our way to the car.

"Okay bud we won't be able to go in" Vince explained

"You're gay not demons" Wyatt responded

"I kn-"

"It's fine I understand"

"Why do you wanna go to church anyways" I asked and sorrow flashed across his face and he shrugged

"We can take you to therapy if you'd like instead"

"I don't need therapy I need a God" he deadpanned

We pulled up the the church and the hopped out

"I'll come out when I'm ready"


He's a church goer


Thanks for reading

Mwah ⛪️

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