Chapter 46

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Noelle's POV:

I'm at the studio listening to my teacher go on and on about how good a dancer Victoria is. Let me give some contexts my dads decided I needed discipline in something more feminine. I've been in dance since they brought me home all those years ago. I'm actually a very talented but I'm constantly treated bad. I'm on the dance team and we compete which is fun but I never get solos or special roles.

My teacher has favorites and I'm not one of them. Her favorite is Victoria she thinks she's the bests dancer on the team and we can learn from her. I'm not gonna lie she's a great dance but I feel that we can all compete if given the same attention and opportunities.

I'd honestly rather skateboard. I'm really good at it too but daddy said it's too dangerous so I can't. I still do it in secret, I even have trophies from local competition. My dream is to compete at the X-Games and Wyatt says I can do it. He bought me my board and it's so pretty. He sneaks me to the skate park all the time. He's the best big brother

"Noelle please attempt to pay attention" my teacher Miss. Talia singles me out again

"Sorry" I mumble

"As I was saying... Nationals are next month I plan on entering 2 solos, 1 duo, and a group number. In two weeks we will also be attending a competition. There will only be one solo and it's going to Victoria. The rest of you will work on the that group number" I raise my hand

"Yes Noelle"

"Well I was wondering if I could have a solo at nationals" I heard the girls whispering and Victoria laughed

"You never give more than a minimalistic amount of effort but I'm supposed to just hand you a solo at nationals" she questioned

"Well you never give me a chance and I know I can deliver. I'm not as bad a dancer as you think"

"You think you can win at nationals. You'd have to beat Victoria"

"I can do that just give me a shot"

"Fine how about instead Vic dancing next week you dance. If you win first place doing a contemporary piece, I'll give you a Jazz routine at nationals. How does that sound"

"You have yourself a deal"

"Well head on in and start practicing"

After practice

Now that I'm dressed I start making my way to the entrance to wait for family. I don't make it out on time unfortunately

"You think cause you have money you can buy your way to the top" Victoria asks

"Listen I don't want this as much as the next guy but it is what it is. After nationals I'll go back to avoiding hard work"

She didn't get the opportunity to answer because my ride arrived

"Let's go tiny" Uncle Xander grunted

"Can we get ice cream on our way home" I beamed


Hours later

"Hey Noelle how was dance" dad asks

"Great if I win next weeks competition I have a jazz solo against Victoria at nationals" I told him

Okay let me give some more context. Last week daddy and dad discovered that I skateboard. They yelled and even put me on time out. Since they never get to see me do anything more than group dances they decided if I win 1st place in a solo every month I can skateboard.

"That's good love"

"Also can you ask Haruhi if she can help me with this routine"

"Sure" he responded

We watched movies the rest of the night


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