Chapter 86

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Wyatt's POV:

Dad and daddy are on a date so I'm stuck with Noelle on a Friday night. Not that I had plans but I was gonna meet up with Kota and maybe do it in my car.

Yeah you read that right. Daddy got me a Mercedes Benz when I got my license. Dad was obviously annoyed because he doesn't think a new driver needs a $72,000 car but I disagree. I named her Sades.

The only thing that sucks is now I have to drive Noelle to and from school or dance whenever dad and daddy are busy.

I'm brought out of my thought by a scream

I grab the gun from under the coffee table and run upstairs

I bang on the bathroom door

"Noelle open the door"

"Shut up and call Jesse" she cries through the door

"What why? Are you okay"


"Oh yeah I'll call her sit tight"

Oh god why me

I call Jesse

"What's up bitch"

"You need to get to my place like yesterday"

"Why what happened"

"Noelle got her first period and is crying in the bathroom"

"On my way I'll stop by the pharmacy too"

"Okay I'm gonna call Raven and Kota"

"Cool see you in ten"

I called Ko and Raven and they were on their way too

True to her word Jesse was here in ten minutes

"Where is she"

"Locked in her bathroom"

"Okay, you stay down here"

"Don't gotta tell me twice"

After like 2 hours they calm her down and she falls asleep

"We explained the bloody path to womanhood" I cringed at Raven

"So give it to me straight what type of girl is she"

"It's still too early to tell but from the looks she's a combination of all of us"

"Oh God let's hope it doesn't last too long"

"We're gonna wait for your dads so we can prep them for the long road ahead"

"Sounds good to me"

We sat in the kitchen and played Texas hold 'em for a couple hours til my dads got home

"Ash why is it that you can't follow the many rules I give you" Dad sighed

"I swear I have a good explanation"

"So today your little girl became a woman" Jesse announced and my dads were hella confused

"She got a visit from her Aunt Flo"


"Shark week"


"Jesus Christ She got her first period"

The color drained from their face

"Is She okay"

"Yeah we explained everything she'll need to know and she has our numbers in case she needs more help"

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