Chapter 16

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Vincenzo POV:

Today I'm hanging out with my brothers since we rarely all hang out and chill without our parents.

Alessio is talking about girls with the twins

"She has huge tits Alessio good choice" Xavier says

"Yeah but I really don't care she's really cool to hang out with. If we fuck, we fuck if not I'm still happy to chill with her" I'm honestly glad he's not a whore like the rest of my siblings

"If you do bang I gotta hear about this"

"I don't kiss and tell, it's fucked up"

"I guess" he replied and Alessio rolls his eyes

My phone starts going off and I answer


"Hi is this Mr. Lombardi"


"This is William Floyd Prep calling to inform you that your son was found in the girls restroom with his friends during class and he was involved in a dispute in his classroom which lead to a fight. The principal would like to have a word with you. Are you free to come in now"

"Yes I'll be there within the hour"

"Okay thank you and see you soon"

I hung up and I was livid

"What's wrong fratello" Ace asks


"That's Wyatt's school calling to let me know that him and his friends cut class to hang out in the girls bathroom. I have to talk to the principal"

"Shit it's only the first day. What are you gonna do to the poor kid"

"Depends on his reason but chances are I'm beating his fucking ass"

"Later Vince" I waved and drove towards the school

When I arrived I saw Wyatt sitting staring at the ground

"You're in so much trouble when we get home"

"Ah Mr. Lombardi the principal will see you"

When I walked in I was shocked to see the French, Irish, and English mafia leaders. We nodded at each other

"So now that we're all here let's hear what happened Carly you can go first"

"I was talking to Wyatt and touching his hair cause it's soft and he said I could when out of no where Jesse hit me"

"Is that what happened Wyatt"

"Not at all. Her and her friends came over and were playing with my hair. I asked them to please stop but they didn't listen. So Jesse stepped in and Carly was very mean to her and Flynn. I asked them again to leave me alone and she started being mean to us too. She called Flynn ugly and he said her personality was ugly so she dumped all her milk on him. When he started crying and ran off she said he was a baby and shoved Jesse. Then Jesse defended herself. We followed a trail of milk to see if Flynn was okay and I honestly didn't realize it was the girls bathroom until that girl screamed" he explained

"That's not true he's lying because he like Jesse" she pouted

"I just met her and unlike you I'm not a liar" he yelled

"That's enough Wyatt" I grumbled

"This all could've been avoided if you guys didn't instigate an altercation" the principal said

"And a future incident can be avoided if you actually did your job" Wyatt bit back and I flicked him

"He has a point she clearly bullied my son and provoked the other kids. Yet here you are excusing her behavior and placing blame on the victims" Declan the Irish mafia leader said annoyed

"That's not what I'm doing here Mr. O'Sullivan. Carly May have started this but Miss Davis punched her"

"After she dumped milk on Flynn" Oliver jumped in. He's the British Mafia leader

"Violence is never the answer and you shouldn't condone it" this guys is fucking crazy

"That's why she's like that. Every time she does something you let her off the hook" Lance said Hes Maddox son and Maddox is the French mafia leader

"Exactly maybe you should act like a principal"

"Daddy he's not punishing her cause she's his daughter" Jesse said

"Well isn't that interesting" I said

"He's not my dad he's my step dad you rat" the brat yelled at Jesse

"See she's so mean" Wyatt exclaimed

"I'm going to call this meeting to an end. If you're not going to treat the kids equal We have no reason to be here. Let's go Wyatt" he nodded and got up

The rest of the parents followed

"Vince" I turned to see Maddox, Declan and Oliver

"How's it going" I shook their hand

"Nothing too crazy besides that my daughter got into a fight on the first day" he gave Jesse a pointed look and she smiled nervously

"So you have an heir now" Declan asked I nodded

"He's adorable and it looks like him and Jesse get along really well" he said with a smirk causing Oliver to growl

"Keep your kid away from my daughter Lombardi"

"Calm down he's 8" I laughed

"I don't care" he huffed

"Dad can we play soccer since we got let out early" Flynn asked

"You weren't let out you were kicked out"

"Same difference" Wyatt added

"If you guys don't mind I really don't care to stay" he said to us

"Yeah I have nothing to do anyways" I shrugged

"Same here" Oliver and Maddox said

"Awesome I brought my ball" Wyatt yelled and they ran towards the field

We sat on the side as they played. As always Wyatt was going hard and they couldn't touch the ball.

"Wy let them touch the ball" I told him and he smiled and nodded

"Let him be he's having fun" Maddox said

"I don't want him getting a big head"

"I mean if he can back it up let him have it" Declan laughed

"So are you coming to our ball this weekend" Oliver asked

"Yeah the whole family is coming, but Adriana"

"Really she's not gonna break my kid's nose again" Maddox joked

"Yeah she's in Russia dealing with business so she won't be able to make it" Oliver gave me a weird look

"I heard she downsized the Germans" Declan asked amused

"At least I'm not bailing her ass out of jail" Oliver said



Oh Adriana got busted


Thanks for reading

Mwah 👮

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