Chapter 88

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Vincenzo's POV

My peaceful slumber is interrupted by the sounds of my phone ringing


"Is this the owner of a Mercedes S Class with plates reading GLT9255"

"Yes what's this about"

"We found your vehicle at the site of a crash with an unconscious boy inside. He didn't have identification on him so we ran your plates"

"Shit, was he around 16? Brown hair" I asked panicked

"Yes he is currently in the hospital is he a relative of yours"

"He's my son his name is Wyatt Lombardi please tell me which hospital he is in"

"St. Mary's"

I hung up and shook Oscar

"What? It's late"

"Wyatt is in the hospital there was a crash and he's unconscious"

"Fuck let's go" he shot out of bed

"I have to get dressed in the meantime call my dad and tell him we're dropping off Noelle"

He nodded and I put on a long sleeve and a pair of joggers. I frantically put on my socks then slipped on my shoes.

Once I was dressed I went to go dress Noelle

"Get dressed you're going to nonna and Nonno's house"


"Because we have to go out and you aren't staying alone. Now please be cooperative and put your shoes on"

She nodded and we went downstairs

"We can drop her off on the way" I told him

"Okay let's go"

After we dropped off Noelle we sped to the hospital

"We're here to see Wyatt Lombardi" I told the front desk

"Room 14 on the pediatric floor"

"Thank you" Oscar told her

We rushed to his room and found him awake

"Thank God you're okay"

I pulled him in a tight hug

"Dad I'm so sorry! I didn't see the car"

"Wyatt" I tried to interrupt

"I'll work and pay back all the damage"

"Wyatt" Oscar tried to cut him off

"I know you're probably furious but I feel terrible"

"WYATT" we both yelled and he shut up

"Wyatt I don't give a flying fuck about the car. I can buy another one but I can't replace you. When they told me you were unconscious from the accident I never felt so scared in my life" I hugged him again

"We're just happy you're okay. I wanted to throw up from the anxiety I felt knowing you got hurt. This is why your driving curfew is earlier than your actual curfew. Stupid Fucks don't know how to drive at night and the road is hard to see depending where you go"

"Why didn't you take your wallet. I've told you how important it is for you to have your ID. They couldn't identify you at the crash" I asked

"Noelle needed a heat pad thing cause of cramps and it was late. I just grabbed my keys and left. I always keep money in my glove box so I didn't see the point"

"Wy you need your license in case you get pulled over" Oscar chuckled

"I always forget"

"Are you his parents" an officer asked

"Yes, Im Vincenzo and this is my husband Oscar"

"Can you step outside so we can talk" we nodded

"For starters the car was totaled. It couldn't withstand the impact from the other vehicle"

"Wait he crashed into another car"

"No the other car rammed into him"

"I want to speak with the driver" I growled

"Unfortunately that isn't possible he didn't survive the crash. But his parents should be in shortly however I doubt they'll be up for a conversation"

"How old was the other driver"

"14 he according to his parents stole their blue Ford to go to a party. He was going 170 on a 25. When your son was crossing the intersection the Ford T-boned your son. Sending him into the lamp post while the driver of the Ford flew out the windshield on impact"

"Was he intoxicated" Oscar asked

"His blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit for adults"


"Would you like to press charges on the parents"

"No they already lost a son and Wyatt is okay for the most part" Oscar spoke

"Okay, I'll leave you be" he excused himself

"I'll be right back Marcy" Oscar said and I nodded

"What happened am I going to prison" he panicked

"What? No they were just explaining the crash"

"Oh what happened"

"He was going 170 and was super drunk" I answered

"That piece of shit! I wanna talk to him" he growled

"He can't talk right now"

"What why" he asked

"He's not responsive right now" I told him

"Are you gonna charge that son of a bitch"

"I think he learned his lesson Wy it's fine"I answered

"Fuck that! You spent so much on my car and I took care of it and that drunk bitch wrecked it"

"I can buy another and I doubt they'd have the funds to pay for your car. They should focus on the bills they have now"

Like the funeral I thought

"Shit! My mom's rosary, it was in the car and they towed it" he started panicking again

"It's okay I just asked the officers and one of them grabbed it. Here you go Wy" Oscar handed it


"Good evening Im Dr. Wilson"

"Is Wyatt okay" I asked

"Besides a concussion and bruised bones he fine. He should take it easy for a couple weeks. Then come back in 3 weeks to remove his stitches"

"Can I play soccer still"

"I wouldn't recommend it. Your back and neck will need lots of rest. You could've been paralyzed so you don't want to strain or hurt yourself"

"I have a game this Friday. If I rest and stretch can I play just this once"

"Again, I'd advise against it"

"Perfect" Wyatt said sarcastically

"Can we take him home"

"Because it's a traumatic event and he's a minor we're gonna hold him until after he meets with the on call psychologist"

"Okay thank you" Oscar said

"Let's get comfortable" I said sitting down




Thanks for reading

Mwah 🥳

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