Chapter 59

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Alessio's POV

I just got out the shower and I see I text from Wyatt. I assumed it was a meme cause that's all we normally text each other but it's a really long text. I read it and my heart instantly drops and I call Vince

"What Alessio it's almost 3 in the fucking morning"

"Shut up and check if Wyatt is in his room"

"What wh-"

"Stop asking questions and do it" I yell

He curses at me under his breathe and listens

"He's not here"

"No uhm check if he took one of your cars"

"Jesus Christ hold on... my Audi is gone"

"Track it now"

"What's going on"

"He's gonna kill himself we don't have time just track it"

"It's at the bridge by you. I'll meet you there" I hung up and threw on my shoes

In under 10 minutes I was at the bridge and I saw him standing at the ledge.

I ran to him but he jumped before I could get to him. It felt like the world stopped spinning. Fortunately I was able to grab his forearm but I fell over too

"Let go you'll fall" he told me

"I don't care we'll fall together"

"Please just let go I don't want you to die"

"And you think I want you to die you fucking dunce"

My arm was aching from hanging. One hand was holding on to Wyatt and the other was holding onto the ledge

"I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize we fail you. You're here because we couldn't help you. I'm sorry"


"Qui! Veloce prima di cadere! Sto perdendo la presa!"

I saw his head pop over the ledge. He grabbed my hand

"Hold on Wyatt please don't let go"

"I won't" he grabbed onto me with his other hand

"I got you" dad said as he pulled us up

Once we were both safely on the ground I ran and hugged Wyatt

"Please don't ever try that again"

"I won't" I knew he was lying but I wouldn't allow him the chance to try again

He was lifted off of me and I looked up to see Vince and Oscar hugging him

Back at the house

We're all sitting around trying to figure out why he attempted suicide. I figured it out a while ago but I'm not from the brightest family so here we are.

"Why" Vince asked

"You hate me then you took soccer, my friends, and I miss my mom"

"Why didn't you tell us" Oscar asked

"Would you have listened" I asked

"Yes" Vince answered

"I highly doubt that" I scoffed

"Be quiet Alessio you don't know anything" Ace snapped

"Right" I sighed

"None of you could ever understand how I felt" Wyatt said and he sounded so defeated

"We could try"

"That's not enough" I said

"Seriously Alessio can you be quiet or leave! You aren't helping and you're extremely annoying" Dante said

"I'm tired" Wyatt got up and went to his room

"He shouldn't be alone"

"Jesus Christ just because you attended those suicide prevention seminars in high school doesn't make you an expert" Xavier laughed

"Alessio he needs someone who's been where he was go up and talk to him. It'll be good for you too" mom told me


"Don't try to make him feel better his dumb ass will probably make him more suicidal" Xander joked

"Stop it boys! I know what I'm doing. In my honest opinion only Alessio could help him"

"Why's that" dad asked

"Because I attempted suicide 3 times" I said and went upstairs


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Mwah 🤐

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