Chapter 93

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Vincenzo POV

A month has passed since the incident and its been hard on him. He keeps having nightmares and refuses to sleep. He goes through a pack of cigarettes a day and he's drinking.

The kids don't know what's going on and I commend Oscar's ability to act Okay around them. He apologized to Noelle for yelling and explained that his parents is a touchy subject. I had a long talk with Wyatt about what he said. To the naked eye we're on big happy family.

If only

"I wanna get back into fighting" he tells me

"No, you're not in the right mindset"

"When is the right mindset you always say no"

"Because this is an addiction. It's worse than your smoking habit. You let your rage consume you and become something unrecognizable. I hate seeing you covered in bruises"

"It's a healthy release"

"Going to a boxing gym and punching the bags is healthy release. You're addicted to hurting people. You will beat people to death and laugh it isn't healthy"

"It helps to get my anger out and if they end up dead that's not on me they signed up for this" he shrugged

"This isn't healthy Oscar please. I know I can't understand what you're going through but I can be here for you"

"What I need is a new pack of cigarettes" he said and grabbed his keys

"You smoke now"

"Shit" he hissed

"You're just killing yourself. What about Noelle and I? You're being selfish"

"Wyatt stop talking " I told him

"Why it's true! He only thinks about himself. How bad is his life that he needs to be under the influence and fight all the time. He's an addict and a bad influence on Noelle. She's starting to notice somethings up"

"I'm sorry Wyatt you're right I've been selfish. How about you and Noelle get dressed and we go out and have a family day"


"I'm gonna go shower" Oscar said and left

"What is wrong with you" I growled


"You've been saying awful things to him. Don't you think he's trying? Noelle hasn't even noticed his mood. You didn't either until you walked in the room and over heard us. So why make him feel even worse. Understand Oscar is going through a lot more than usual but he's still jovial around you two"

"What could he possibly be going through"

"Oscar doesn't want you to know"

"See that's why I'm pissed. He's playing big happy family and keeping secrets from us. If something is wrong we deserve to know. How can he expect us to come to him about our problems if all he does is run away"

"Oscar was raised differently. The reason he pushes talking about your feelings because everyday is a daily struggle for him. He wants to feel better and wants to talk but he can't. The words don't come out. His parents did awful things and I only know a fraction of the story. He doesn't sleep because he's plagued with nightmares. Certain phrases or movements can send him into a flashback. He gets panic attacks and he's terrified of being abandoned. When you say things like what you said it makes him feel even more alone and dysfunctional. He doesn't think he works because he can't express himself or get better. Is that enough for you"

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