Chapter 91

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Oscar's POV

After an hour in the shower Vince left. I got dressed and went downstairs to the wine room. I grabbed a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon since we were having red meat for dinner. I also grabbed Dry Rosé since my fat ass would probably have a sandwich after dinner.

*Ding Dong*

He's here. I ran to the door and swung it open. He immediately engulfed me in a hug

"It's been way too long Oscar"

"I know but you know how busy life gets" I responded

I led him to the guest room and left him to unpack while I went to the kitchen to fix dinner. Vince cooked everything I'm just gonna make the plate look pretty.

"That looks good. You're a stay at home mom now" he teased

"No actually Marcy cooked. He normally cooks and I bake but if I get home before he does I do my best not to start another fire in California"

"So how are your kids"

"They're good, I got into it with Wyatt and Noelle today but kids will be kids" I shrugged

"It's cause you don't discipline them. They shouldn't be talking back to you"

"Don't tell me how to raise my kids" I shut him down

"Let's go to the living room with our food and wine" he changed the subject

I grabbed our plates and he took the wine and glasses

We are and watched tv dramas like we would do back when we lived together

"I missed this" he said

"Yeah it's like the good ole days"

"Before you met that oaf and changed. We used to be happy and have fun. Now you're a working man with a family"

"Watch yourself Hector, this working man can still kick your ass" I told him

"Don't you miss the fighting, partying, and sex" he caressed my inner thigh

"I still do all of that with Marcy. He at least has my back and knows when enough is enough" I told him and removed his hand

"You're really choosing Italian dick over me"

"I already did Hector and I'm happy"

"So happy you started smoking again" he pulled out my open pack

"Where'd you get that"

"Doesn't matter. How long have you had this pack"

"I bought it today then I'm done"

"So in one session you smoked 14 cigarettes what would Vincenzo think"

"Piss off Hector! Why are you being like this"

"Because I fucking love you! It was me and you vs the world but you abandoned me. He changed you so much and you can't see how controlling he is. We could be so happy"

"Enough! Vincenzo is my husband and the father of my two kids. If you want to continue being in my life start respecting my marriage. I'm not leaving Vince for you or cheating. Lastly might I remind you how you left me all alone that night I met Vince. Remember you convinced me to fight that mafia guy even though it was suicide. Then you wanted to party when I said we should go. We were both in that alley but you bailed and I got stabbed. If it wasn't for Matteo and Vince I would've bled out. Our lifestyle would've put me in an early grave. I made all the sacrifices but I was so desperate for love that I became naive. I forgave you so don't make me regret it"

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