Chapter 19

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Vincenzo POV:

"What? Wy I can't just kill him"

"You said you'd do anything and he's a bad guy, so he's not innocent. You can kill him" he said with a cold stare

"Wyatt if I killed him for no reason it would start a war and endanger the family" I tried to explain

"There are tons of reasons turn on the news and they'll list 7"

"The answer is no Wyatt. If he tried to do anything to you I will but as of right now I won't"

"YOU'RE A BAD DAD! I HATE YOU" he yelled then ran upstairs and slammed his door

I stayed there in shock and my heart shattered. I know he's a kid so I shouldn't take it to heart but at any age it's hard to hear you child say they hate you. I honestly wanted to cry and not many things can make me do that. I got up and went to my office to work. although I could work. Wyatt's words were echoing in my head.

Was I a bad dad? I mean I am in the mafia but that makes me a bad person not a bad dad.

Was it wrong to say no? I don't think so he wanted me to kill Alejandro for no reason. I don't want that on his 8 year old conscience.

How does he know Perez though. Wyatt grew up in Spain so he probably heard about allegations on the news or random people talking about him. The thing that doesn't add up is the amount of hatred and fear he has for him.

I'd ask him but he needs his space right now. Perez is a no go because if something did happen he doesn't need to know about Wyatt. I've had a background check done and Alejandro had no connection or major presence in his life.

He's going to be at the ball maybe I'll find something out there. My thoughts are interrupted by my tired looking husband

"Hey Marcy how was today"

"Wyatt got in trouble at school which resulted in him getting sent home. He made friends with Oliver, Declan, Maddox and that Emmet kid. Then he found out we're mafia and freaked out" I showed him my hand

"We talked it out he and he asked me to kill Perez when I said no he call me a bad dad and told me he hates me. So that's been today"

"Jesus Christ you go get your hand looked at and I'll take him to practice okay"

"It's Fine it's only a bite I'll live" I brushed it off

"It's been hours and it's still bleeding go to your brother now"

"Look Lars Im fine" I kissed him

"I'm serious that can get infected"

"If I go will you leave my alone"


"Fine I'll be home tonight"

"Also before you go, you're not a bad dad and I'm certain Wyatt doesn't hate you so please don't be sad" I nodded and left

Wyatt's POV:

I didn't mean what I said and now he's going to hate me. Dad just left, what if he doesn't come back. What if something happens and the last thing I said to him was mean.

I just got so mad when he said no I exploded and everything came out like word vomit.

I hear a knock on the door and it's daddy

"Hey Wyatt I heard you had a rough day so I'm here if you wanna talk, scream, cry, or we can go downstairs to the punching bags and you can let off some steam"

"He hates me" I whispered

"No he doesn't he's just really hurt. Vince and I see you as our son even if you are adopted we love you unconditionally" he told me

"I don't know what happened today I just got really mad. I didn't mean any of it. He's a great dad and I love him so much. Even though he's a mafia man I want to be exactly like him when I grow"

"What am I chopped liver" daddy asked and I laughed

"I wanna be funny like you but scary like dad"

"I'm scary too" that made me laugh

"No you aren't silly"

"Not to you of course. Hey buddy why do you hate Alejandro so much" I stopped laughing

"He ruined my life. Every time something bad happened he was there. Whenever I'm happy comes and takes that from me. Dad says he never shows up to Balls but all of a sudden he's going to Jesse's birthday ball this Saturday. Doesn't that seem suspicious to you, I know he's going to take you guys from me too. Please don't leave I like it here, don't return me" I whispered at the end

"Wyatt a life without you in it looks miserable. I promise you're not going anywhere and if Perez tries anything I'll personally murder him" daddy said with a dark look that sent chills down my spine

"Wow you are scary" that made him laugh

"Told you so! Also on a serious note, never say you hate one of us again. If you have an issue take a breath then talk to us. You hurt his feelings and when he gets back I expect you to apologize" he goes from serious to joking very quickly

"Yes daddy I was planning on"

"Now get ready for practice" I nodded and went to go get dressed


What do you think Perez did to Wyatt?


Thanks for reading

Mwah 😕

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