Chapter 27

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Wyatt's POV:

It's been a couple weeks since I killed Perez. Daddy is making me go to therapy which blows cause it's so boring.

The team and I played in Italy and I met my great grandparents. They came to my game and saw me score 3 times it was awesome.

The guys, Jesse and I are closer than ever at school we mess around a lot. They haven't call our parents yet because as long as we do our work our teacher doesn't care.

"Alright class today we're going to be taking a special test. Do your best on it because you'll get a great prize if you score really high"

"Oh wonder what the prize is" Emmet asked

"Doesn't matter cause you won't score high enough to get it" Jesse teased

"Shut up teachers pet"

"Guys please can we go one day without another pointless argument" I whined

"It's not pointless" they said at the same time

"Okay no more talking and take the test"

I groaned and looked at the test. It's harder than our usual tests but nothing I couldn't do

One hour later

I always finished in the first like 10 minutes but this one made me put on my thinking cap. I was still the first to finish but now I was annoyed that I wasted so much time on school. I dug into my bag and took out my school pillow and blanket and laid down

"Young man this is a classroom not your bedroom"

"I noticed" I responded

"Do I need to notify your parents" fudge dad would be mad if he got called in again

"No sir I'm up" I said sitting up

"Now finish your test it's a 2 hour test. Even if you aren't sure guess"

"I finished"

"Let me see" he grabbed my paper and skimmed through it

"Your a very messy writer"

"I ran out of paper for the essay portion so be grateful I even finished"

"Well read a book while this is graded"

"No" and I went back to laying down

At the end of the day the 5 of us are called into the office and our parents are there

"We didn't do anything" Flynn rushes out

"You aren't in trouble" the guy who gave the test says

"Oh thank God" I breathe out

"Take a seat by your parents" I sad with daddy and dad as instructed. Jesse sits with her dad, Flynn with his mom and dad, Emmet and Lance with Maddox and his wife.

"So today we gave their class a placement test for a more advanced class. These 5 were the only ones who scored high enough to switch classes. Emmet, Lance, and Flynn are eligible to move to the honors/ advanced 4th grade class while Jesse would be better suited in 5th grade honors or 6th grade if she does weekly tutoring. Wyatt here is extremely smart and would be fine in a 7th or 8th grade class. He's like his aunt"

"Would you like that Wyatt" daddy asked

"Not at all. I enjoy my current class and I'd much rather stay there. Can we go now I hate being here longer than I have to" I said bored

"Wyatt watch it" dad warned

"What about you Jesse" she nodded vigorously

"Teachers pet" Lance faked coughed

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