Chapter 90

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Oscar's POV

After I ran out I hopped in my car and drove to a gas station.

"What can I get you" the teenage boy asked from behind the register

"A pack of Marlboro" i told him


I handed him a 20 then grabbed the pack and left without my change

I drove to a secluded area with a nice view of LA and sat on my hood to smoke

Many cigarettes later

I turn my attention to a car pulling in

"What are the chances" I sigh

"I didn't know you smoked" Alessio said

"I don't. What are you doing here"

"I have nowhere else to go. My dad threw me out and cut me off"

"What why" I asked concern

"I dropped out"


"I'm surprised you didn't blow up and tell me I'm wasting potential"

"You know what you did and you didn't come all the way out here for another lecture. Plus you already have a masters in chemistry and mechanical engineering it's not like you have no degree. I'm disappointed that you didn't get your doctorate because you're a smart kid but it's your life"

"Exactly and we're mafia I can easily get a job somewhere. As for why I dropped out, I hated it there and I lost all motivation for it. Someone stole my thesis and I was accused of cheating I almost got kicked out. Yuri was able to help me prove I didn't cheat but it was already too late. Most of my professors were convinced I used money to make my problems go away and they started being dicks to me.

Assignments I'd normally score perfect on were now being graded with a magnifying glass. My gpa was dropping fast and my parents we losing their shit. Dad said I'm a failure and a waste of his money. He said if i spent less time partying and sleeping around I'd be passing"

"You're not a failure Alessio he's just mad"

"I know but it still hurt to hear that from my dad. I tried really hard but they were making me hate learning so I called it quits. Maybe in a few years I'll go to a different school and finish my degree but for now I need a break. I enlisted in the army and I'm gonna join their Explosive Ordinance Disposal squad thing. Basically I make and disarm bombs fir the military. I passed the test with flying colors so I start my training next week in Fort Knox, Kentucky for 10 weeks. Then Fort Lee, Virginia for 8 weeks. Lastly I'll transfer over to Elgin Air Force Base in Florida for the remaining 28 weeks. I'm tired of being Adriana's twin so I'm doing my own thing"

"Do you need a place to stay for the time being"

"Yeah but I don't want to hear Vinnie yelling at me or telling mom and dad I'm going to the military"

"Here use my debit card my pin is 0604. Take out as much as you need and book a stay at a hotel from now until you leave. You can use my card for whatever you want. Your limit is 25,000"

"I can't take that Oscar"

"You can and you will. Enjoy your last week in California and as a civilian"

"I'll pay you back everything I spend"

"You don't have to"

"Thank you so much Oscar" he hugged me

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